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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A Week all white and slalom among many obstacles

A Week all white and slalom among many obstacles
After the Baptisms of the Easter Vigil, the celebration goes on the whole Easter day. After the Mass the newly Baptized leave, followed by the music and singing of several choirs. They continue to celebrate at home. In the afternoon I take a quick tour (due to the threatening storm) to visit few of them: many families are still celebrating, singing and dancing, and continue throughout the day. Since Monday, the new baptized come every day to the parish church to participate in the Mass all dressed in white. On Monday I prepare the second issue of “Le Saint Michel” newspaper.  Here you have it:
On Tuesday afternoon I have a meeting with the different ONG present in Bozoum together with the authorities. Some of these have everything in mind but the good of the common interest. At one point one of them threatens me saying: “you and your careful!”.  My accomplices are the youths who work for social solidarity and peace. Unfortunately this is part of our environment. What really bother me is that many persons (on top are the authorities and the political parties) didn’t understand a bit of this crisis and they are repeating the same mistakes of misgovernment and arrogance as if this crisis wouldn’t have its roots in those specific problems never settled! On Wednesday I go to Bangui. I have to realize how the stop points do increase continuously. By now there are 17 of them on a 400 Km of road. The checkpoints are ordered by the police (!?!?), but very often the control is limited to the payment of a certain amount of money. Wednesday afternoon I am at the Carmel, our Bangui convent, where we are planning to dig 2 wells for the future convent. Marcelin, a water-dowser, takes a walk identifying few points where on Friday we began drilling: there is water, a lot of it! On Thursday and Friday I am in Bangui for a workshop on peace, reconciliation and social unity, organized by Cordaid (a Dutch ONG). I participate representing Caritas and Justice and Peace. We are about forty people, Christians and Muslims, from all over the Country. We reflect and work to build something real to promote Peace. The same Friday, some bandits stop the car of one of the participant, beat up the driver and run away with the car. This happened in broad daylight and in plain view, at the center of the town. Security? ZERO!

Festa per i nuovi battezzati
La Fete pour les nouveaux baptisés

Sulla moto ci sono come minimo 350 kg di merce
sur la moto il y a au moins 350 kg de marchandises

Marcellin, il rabdomante
Marcelin, le sourcier

Aperura dell'Atelier
Ouverture de l'Atelier

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