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Sunday, March 31, 2019

Life and death

Le clarisse accompagnano p.Toussaint con il canto
les Clarisses accompagnent avec le chant le p.Toussaint

Life and death
Last week a Capuchin brother, Fr. Toussaint Zoumalde, was killed in Cameroon, in Ngaoundere, most likely during a robbery.  I knew him well: years ago he was in the seminary in Bouar, where I worked for 11 years. It was a sudden death: on the one hand it reminds us of our fragility, and on the other the fragility of security in our country. On Friday, March 23rd, we celebrated his funeral, in the cathedral of Bouar, where he was ordained in 2002. The church was full (p.Toussaint was originally from Bouar, and worked for many years for Radio Siriri), and we were about sixty priests , together with the bishop, who gathered to pray for our brother. Just yesterday, Wednesday March 27, Pope Francis presented a sister (a missionary in Africa for 60 years!), and said: "I intend to express my gratitude to you and all the missionaries, priests, religious and laity, who scatter the seeds of the Kingdom of God in every part of the world. Your job is great. You "burn" your life sowing the word of God with your testimony ... And in this world you do not make news, you are not news in the newspapers ". Returning to Bozoum, in the afternoon a small tornado was unleashed: very strong wind, dust, and then, finally, rain. It was awesome to see nature go wild! Thank God there were not too many disasters: some flying sheets, some destroyed thatched roof, but no victims. Monday I went down to Bangui, to then return to Bozoum on Wednesday, where I found a nice surprise: the Minister of Mining suspended all gold mining activities in Bozoum! And for three days the construction sites have stopped! It is a first, small victory, and we hope that actually Chinese companies are obliged to respect the rules, and to fix the damage they have done.
We will see, and we will check!

Il decreto del Ministero che blocca le attività inerarie delle ditte cinesi
Le décret du Ministère qui bloque les activités minières des entreprises chinoises

piccolo tornado in arrivo
petite tornade

il nostro Liceo, visto da uno degli alunni
notre Lycée, vu par un de nos élèves

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Hope or despair?

Hope or despair?
Central Africa continues its own journey, but to where?
There are times when I ask myself this.
On the one hand, there is the will to see the positive, the small steps that allow many to come out of the crisis, to build something: the parents who sacrifice themselves to send their children to school, the families who dedicate themselves to others, young people trying to grow, beyond everything; the smile of children, the songs and dances of adults, which often fill the nights; women and men who cultivate the fields and work with dignity...
On Saturday the 16th I went to Bocaranga for a meeting on a Caritas project (reconstruction of houses, repair of roads, savings and credit communities...). In the afternoon I went to greet the catechist students, who with their families attend school to learn to lead Christian communities. They have been here since December, and the courses (Word of God, catechesis, theology, sacraments, morals, family, but also sewing and carpentry) will continue until May. On the way back I stopped in the village of Tolle. In the recently restored church, there is a statue of the Infant Jesus of Prague, which is the patron of the community.
Along the way I saw some Peuls, nomadic tribes of breeders. They are slowly coming back, helped, unfortunately, by the rebels of the 3R movement, one of the movements that are discussing with the government.
Unfortunately, the Khartoum dialogue of last month does not seem to be a reality. The State has elected a new government, but having kept most of the old ministers has sparked the anger of the various rebel movements: for a couple of weeks the road, the only one, which allows the arrival of goods in Central Africa, was blocked in Zoukoumbo by the rebels... And the State, instead of taking the common good to heart, thinks rather to the advantage of those in power.
A couple of months ago, just around Bozoum, a Chinese company opened at least 17 sites for gold research: they divert the course of the river Ouham, and with bulldozers and diggers scour the bottom. It is impressive to see the disaster created: mountains of gravel, holes full of water, the course of the ruined river, polluted water (and probably the use of mercury to facilitate the finding of gold). Only between machinery and fuel, I calculated a daily expense of at least 30,000 euros. And how much should they earn to spend so much?
The authorities pretend to know nothing and the gold leaves for Cameroon every week. And at the border (strangely) no control! And nothing enters the coffers of the State!
Hope or despair?

Peuls a Ngoutere


cantieri dell'oro a Bozoum
les chaniters pour l'or à Bozoum

Saturday, March 16, 2019

8 March 2019


8 March 2019
Like all over the world March the 8th marks the initiatives to highlight the importance of women, which also happens here in Central Africa. John Paul II wrote:
The Church desires to give thanks to the Most Holy Trinity for the "mystery of woman" and for every woman - for that which constitutes the eternal measure of her feminine dignity, for the "great works of God", which throughout human history have been accomplished in and through her. After all, was it not in and through her that the greatest event in human history - the incarnation of God himself - was accomplished?
Therefore the Church gives thanks for each and every woman: for mothers, for sisters, for wives; for women consecrated to God in virginity; for women dedicated to the many human beings who await the gratuitous love of another person; for women who watch over the human persons in the family, which is the fundamental sign of the human community; for women who work professionally, and who at times are burdened by a great social responsibility; for "perfect" women and for "weak" women - for all women as they have come forth from the heart of God in all the beauty and richness of their femininity; as they have been embraced by his eternal love; as, together with men, they are pilgrims on this earth, which is the temporal "homeland" of all people and is transformed sometimes into a "valley of tears"; as they assume, together with men, a common responsibility for the destiny of humanity according to daily necessities and according to that definitive destiny which the human family has in God himself, in the bosom of the ineffable Trinity.
The Church gives thanks for all the manifestations of the feminine "genius" which have appeared in the course of history, in the midst of all peoples and nations; she gives thanks for all the charisms which the Holy Spirit distributes to women in the history of the People of God, for all the victories which she owes to their faith, hope and charity: she gives thanks for all the fruits of feminine holiness.

In Central Africa the life of a woman is not easy. She is the one who often carries much of the burden of everyday life, of the family, of the future.  Even though there is no lack of opportunities and possibilities, it is still burdensome.
With the girls of our St. Augustin High School, for some years, March 8th became, in addition to a moment of celebration, a time for reflection (for them and for the boys), and expression (dances, sketches, games...), thanks to the help of the teachers and, in particular, of Sister Annita, the vice principal.
And on the other side of the world, from Cuneo, there is also an excellent initiative: a floriculture company (Roagna Garden) and the Baramò Bar offer a primula, the proceeds of which are destined for scholarships for girls declared the "best students”, at the end of the year.
But for us March 8th is also Donald's mother: 10 children, 7 of whom are now adults and independent. It is she who cares about building the house for the remaining children, so as to give them autonomy and a future. She did share with me her commitment, and I have been moved by so much love and courage

Tavola rotonda
table ronde

Sunday, March 10, 2019

...ashes and Ashes


...ashes and Ashes
Between late January and early February 2019 the rebel movements (14!), the Central African government and the International Community have gathered in Khartoum, Sudan, to come up with yet another agreement.
Over the past five years, the Agreements (signed solemnly, and solemnly repudiated) have been at least 8, and even the last one is likely to have the same result. The Khartoum Accords present a good analysis of the situation, and of the problems that have brought Central Africa to disaster: corruption, centralization and mismanagement of power. But the application of this, and of many other (rather confusing) points become quite problematic. The Agreements provide for a government that includes also representatives of armed groups (why????), and on Sunday the new government was formed. Twenty-one of the thirty-six ministers have been reconfirmed (in the face of the innovation!). The rebel movements are represented, but not enough, according to the same rebels.  Already on Sunday some groups dissociated themselves, and later other followed, requesting more parliamentary seats and more Ministries. Some groups took advantage of it to regain ground (as happened in the North, in Bocaranga, Ndim, Koui and Ngaundaye, where there were also fatalities, and the blocking of access to humanitarian organizations).
Elsewhere, in Baboua, towards the border with Cameroon, the rebel group FDPC (Front Démocratique du Peuple Centrafricain) blocked the road, and kidnapped some travelers (including Fabrice, a student of our High School St Augustin, who attends the University in Bertoua in Cameroon). They were taken to the savannah, robbed, and only after 3 days, and thanks to an intervention of the blue helmets of Minusca, were released.  Here is his story in his own words:
 "In order to gain some time, we left Bouar on Sunday afternoon, to reach the border in the evening, but it was a pity that when we arrived at the village of Zoukoumbo, our bus was stopped by FDPC armed men who were demonstrating against the new government, just formed.  After having threatened us, the rebels robbed us of everything of value and money (about 15 thousand euros).  We were 25, and we were captive for 2 days and 2 nights, kept in very bad conditions.  They were not very brutal (only one exception for a merchant who complained for the stolen money. He was taken away and we never saw him again!).  We were finally released on Tuesday morning, with the mediation by MINUSCA and local authorities ".
We will see in the next few days how it will go!
Here, as in the whole Catholic world, on Wednesday we began the journey of Lent, a period of 40 days of preparation for Easter. It is a time of preparation, especially for candidates receiving baptism (the catechumens), who will receive the Sacrament at Easter. Here we are blessed and lucky, because every year, at Easter, we have the grace to celebrate the Baptisms of boys, girls, young people and adults. A time of commitment, marked in the certainty and joy of knowing that we are loved by God in a unique and infinite way.
On Wednesday we climbed a hill (called with a bit of presumption "Monte Binon"), where we celebrated the Eucharist and gave the ashes (sign and symbol of conversion). Many did stay on the mountain for the whole day, in prayer and meditation. And today, Thursday, school resumes with the "Cultural Week": a couple of days of cultural events for our students of the St Augustin High School, with competitions, sketches, songs and dances.
And best wishes to all women on International Woman's Day!

Lavori sul tetto della Chiesa di Bozoum
POse des toles sur l'église de Bozoum

La vecchia scuola di Dayanga
la vieille école de Dayanga

Cappella e nuova scuola (in costruzione) a Dayanga
La chapelle et la nouvelle école (en construction) à Dayanga

Salita al Monte Binon
Montée au Mont Binon


Attività culturali al St Augustin
Journées culturelles à St Augustin