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Saturday, July 13, 2019

To work!

Soletta della Radio di Bozoum
la dalle en béton pour la radio de Bozoum
To work! 

Our last school to finish was the Women’s Promotion Center “Cana” 9 on Sunday.  It is a small school that allows about forty girls and women to receive training (over 3 years) on childcare, cutting and sewing, hygiene, cooking and nutrition, and some basics in economics. 

The works of the Bozoum Radio continue. During the week we made the slab that will cover the recording studio floor, and we plan to build the roof next week. 

I accompanied Edoardo Vivalda to Bouar, a young man from Cuneo who has been in Bozoum for about a month. Unfortunately, to go to Bouar (110 km) I had to take the long road, which passes through Bossemptele and Baoro (250 km) because a bridge was damaged by a truck, and it was not possible to pass! 

 I have added 2 very interesting photos on the damage caused by the Chinese companies that extract gold, along the Ouham river. These are satellite photos, taken a year later (June 2018 - June 2019). Unfortunately, ecological and environmental disasters are very visible!


Centre Promotion féminine CANA de Bozoum

Metallurgia tradizionale per costruire pentole in alluminio
Artisanat traditionnel pour la fabbrication des casseroles en aluminium

Ponte di Koude (axe Bozoum-Bouar)
Le pont de Kounde (axe Bozoum-Bouar)

Foto dal satellite del fiume Ouham intorno a Bozoum: giugno 2018 e giugno 2019
Photo satellite de l'Ouham à Bozoum: juin 2018 et juin 2019

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