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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Work in progress

Work in progress
On Saturday, July 21, I left the Carmelite brothers in Yaoundé, Cameroon. From Yaoundé I went to Douala by Couch, and on Sunday at dawn I left by plane and at 2:00 pm I was already in Bangui. Here in Bangui, at the time of writing, in our convent on the outskirts of the capital there is a week of formation especially geared towards our younger brothers and those discerning their vocation. There are about forty among students, novices and postulants from Central Africa and Cameroon. Led by Fr. Luc Marie, from the French province of Avignon-Aquitaine, they will spend these days delving deeply into the life and message of a great Carmelite nun, Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity. It is beautiful to see so many young people, who sing, pray, play and study together. There is great hope and at the same time a great need to keep these young men in your prayers. On Monday morning I left Bangui around 8.00 am along with Maria Cottone, a teacher from Catania, who is visiting our Mission in Central Africa, a Mission she loves and knows because she has been of great help for many years, together with her family. At 1:30 pm we were in Baoro, and we went on towards Bouar, where I went to visit a novice of ours who is in undergoing treatment at Maigaro  hospital. And finally, at 7.00 pm, we are back in Bozoum. Here in Bozoum, in addition to various activities, we are doing work in the church, thanks to the hard-work and capabilities of Mario Mazzali. It involves preparing, welding and inserting a beam (12 meters long and almost 1,200 kilos) under a frame that is yielding. There’s always plenty of work to do….

L'entrata del Monastero delle Carmelitane di Yaounde
l'entrée du Monastère des Carmélites de Yaounde

I nostri giovani carmelitani di Camerun e Centrafrica
les jeunes Carmes de Centrafrique et Caméroun

Maria Cottone & Co

Mario Mazzali al lavoro

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