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Friday, May 24, 2019

Lights and shadows


Lights and shadows
Time passes and another week ends.
Last Friday I went to Bocaranga, and the next day to Koui, 170 km from Bozoum. The village, occupied by the rebels of Sidiki's 3R movement, was fairly quiet. I came here a month ago with the bishop, and I came back to make one of the promises made: helping out schools and their teachers.
About twenty schools, spread over a radius of about ninety kilometres, there are 60 teachers who work to educate over 4,000 children. There is only one official teacher, and all the others are "maitres-parents": teaching aids, young people and adults from the village who do what they can to give some education.  They often work all year without the village community giving them anything...
Thanks to the support of the NGO Cordaid (the Dutch Caritas) we are able to give a small monthly contribution of 15,000 francs (about 22 euros). It’s only a small amount but it is quite a lot for the families of the teaching aids.
The village of Koui is quiet, and the teaching aids are very happy. I met with them and explained the meaning and conditions of this contribution, and returned to Bozoum in the evening.
After this brief snippet of light and hope, a lot of bad news arrived the following days.
On Sunday night, Sister Ines, a 77-year-old Spanish nun, was killed in Nola, 600 km from Bozoum. Probably an act of banditry or possibly a ritual killing...
And on Tuesday and Wednesday, despite the recent peace accords in Khartoum (or perhaps because of them?), some rebel groups went out and committed various attacks and massacres: in Paoua (140 k from Bozoum) there were 30 deaths. The 3R rebels (the same who are situated in Kouui) attacked Loura (170 km) where they killed more than 20 people, and in Bohong they left at least 30 victims.
And in the meantime, the destruction of gold mining continues without disruption...

Scuola di Sambai
école de Sambai


cappella di Ferme Sarki
Chapelle de Ferme Sarki

Saturday, May 18, 2019

and ... nothing!

and ... nothing! And nothing: it was a quiet week. How the Bozoum weeks can actually be! We are at the end of the school year, and between big and small commitments we continue to move forward. And nothing: our boys and girls and the children of our Bozoum schools prepare for the last leg of the school year. From kindergarten to high school, passing through elementary school, the Arc en Ciel orphan center, literacy and women's promotion center, more than 1,500 students attend our schools every day. Not to mention the other 2,400 students who attend schools in the villages of the savannah. And nothing: Saturday and Sunday, in the Parish, we welcomed some young people from the nearby parishes (nearby ...: Baoro at 170 km away, and Bossemptele at 90!) for a small forum. It was an opportunity to reflect, pray and let ourselves be touched by the words of Pope Francis: "Christ lives. He is our hope and the most beautiful youth of this world. All that He touches becomes young, becomes new, and is filled with life ". It is they who animated the celebration of Sunday Mass. And nothing: we go on, day by day, trying to listen to and answer the questions and needs of so many people. And the various promises to control and solve the problems created by the wild exploitation of gold by Chinese companies? Still nothing…

Messa dei giovani a Bozoum
Messe des jeunes à Bozoum

Il cantiere della Radio di Bozoum
Le chanteir de la Radio de Bozoum

Lavori in vista
Travaux à faire...

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Agitated week, in moderation.

Agitated week, in moderation.

Sunday, May 5th, our parish of Bozoum celebrated: around fifty boys, girls and adults received the Sacrament of Confirmation. It is the Sacrament of maturity, of the gift of the Holy Spirit, of the fire of the witness of Christ (this is why the candidates wear red). 

Monday morning I left for Bangui. This time I traveled by plane, for safety reasons, after the problems I encountered the past few weeks due to the Chinese companies that are extracting gold I didn’t want  to risk any more trouble.  I had a somewhat worrisome journey because the accusations that have been brought upon me by the Prime Minister are very serious (even though ridiculous). I traveled in a serene way, because in my conscious I know I did the right thing. Also, because I know there are many people, from every corner of the world (from Bozoum to Bangui, from Central Africa to Europe, and elsewhere) who support me and pray for me. Wednesday, early afternoon, there was a meeting arranged with the Prime Minister. I was accompanied by the bishop of Bangui, Cardinal Dieudonné Nzapalainga, and the bishop of Bouar. The Cardinal has an impressive authority, and is respected by all. The Prime Minister met with us and the 3 ministers involved in the problem of the gold mines of Bozoum: the Minister of Mines, Minister of the Environment, and Minister of the Forests. With heart and thought to the thousands of people of Bozoum, who suffer because of this injustice by the mining industry, we voiced their problems and concerns: the environmental disaster of the excavated riverbed, the pollution of the water, and the absence of economic repercussions on local communities. Despite some threats and reproach, the Government acknowledged that there have been errors, and decided that a new Commission of inquiry will be sent to Bozoum, and that they will ask the Chinese company to start work on what they promised (a school, a dispensary and some wells) and tidying up the river bed. They are only promises, but I hope that something will follow concretely. We started the work for the construction of a Community Radio here in Bozoum, financed by Minusca. An initiative that will make it possible to inform and educate, in a country where radio is much listened to and followed.

Friday, May 3, 2019

A little worrisome ...

gli orfani dell'Arc en Ciel
les orphelins du Centre Arc en Ciel

A little worrisome ...
Many of you are already aware ... It has been a pretty hectic week. Saturday, April 27th I returned to the river, because I wanted to see the situation in the Ouham, and the Chinese companies that extract gold from it.
Saturday morning, 27 of April, I wanted to look at the situation about the Ouham river, and the Chinese mining companies present to extract gold.
I take some photos and some video of the works that have practically continued.
When I start my way back to the mission, a soldier comes toward me and orders me to stop. He is armed, and I do not really trust him, so I tell him I just want to continue on my way. He then calls by radio other soldiers, who arrive immediately.
They ask me why I had come to take photos… and I tell them that it is not forbidden, even less so because I was not even at the work area but on the other side of what was the Ouham river. They are very upset, and they threaten me, they yell and pull away my camera and my phone, then pat me down and search my pockets.
They walk with me to the place where I left my car, and there they tell me I am arrested! One of them asks me whether I am not ashamed, as a man of God, to be doing “that kind of thing”. I reply that I am rather ashamed of him, who is supposed to protect the country, and not to sell it to foreigners…
Since I insist that I was not on the works area, they want me to show them where I was when I took the photos. We start walking again, under the sun at full force, and we do for the third time the 1.5 km. Afterwards we go back to my car, of which they had already taken the keys, they make me climb in the back seat and depart at high speed toward the “Brigade Minière” (donation of the Chinese!!!). But we have to go across the city of Bozoum and the people looking on understand immediately that there is a problem.
When we arrive to the Brigade Minière, a large group of young people, women and other people arrive, yelling and demanding that I am liberated. The situation is almost comical: the soldiers do not know what to do, and there I am waiting… After a few minutes, they decide to let me go, but I demand to have my camera and my phone back.
Finally, I come out of the Brigade Minière. The large group celebrates loudly and I leave by motorcycle (the car keys had not yet arrived back). The entire population of the city are in the streets, happy that I have been freed, but also very angry toward the authorities, and above all against the Chinese mining company.
I go back home, but in the meantime the city is really in upheaval: the people set up road blocks, and a car of the Chinese company is set on fire.
The crowd intends to go toward the mining works, to chase the Chinese away. Then I return to the city with the Prefect and the Public Prosecutor, and we try to calm down the people. But exactly at the same time a vehicle of the FACA (armed forces of Central Africa), arrives at high speed with about ten soldiers. They are armed, but the crowd (already between 3000 and 4000 people) moves toward them and forces them to back away. When they are close to the vehicle, the soldiers start shooting toward the people at point-blank range: we all throw ourselves to the ground, and thanks to the Lord there are no casualties!
Finally, they leave. I bring back the crowd to the center of the city, I climb on one of the road blocks and thank them, but I tell them to please go back to their homes, and do not commit more violent acts. I also say that the problem of the salvage exploitation of the river has to be solved according to the law.
And they leave!
Merci na Nzapa. Thanks be to God!
The following days have been very intense. The Bangui authorities accused me of being a gold dealer!
Finally, for once, they let me publish some of the photos of the occurrences happening here.  With the help of God (and of many people): here are the images, my gold!

LYcée St Augustin, 2007

Aiuti ai profughi, 2008
Aides aux déplacés, 2008

Febbraio 2019
Février 2019

Lo studio dentistico
le cabinet dentaire

Aggiungi didascalia

Fiera di Bozoum
Foire de Bozoum

Gli orti di Bozoum
Les jardins potagers de Bozoum

2013: aiuti a Bata, vittima di un attacco della Seleka
2013: aides à Bata, victime d'une attaque de la Séleka

Il Centro di Formazione Femminile di Bozoum
Le Centre de formation féminine de Bozoum

La Cassa di Risparmio e Credito di Bozoum
La Caisse d'épargne et crédit de Bozoum

La cappella di Tatale
La chapelle de Tatale

La Chiesa di Bozoum
l'église de Bozoum
Formazione delle cooperative agricole
Formation des groupements agricoles