Agitated week, in moderation.
May 5th, our parish of Bozoum celebrated: around fifty boys, girls and
adults received the Sacrament of Confirmation. It is the Sacrament of
maturity, of the gift of the Holy Spirit, of the fire of the witness of
Christ (this is why the candidates wear red).
morning I left for Bangui. This time I traveled by plane, for safety
reasons, after the problems I encountered the past few weeks due to the
Chinese companies that are extracting gold I didn’t want to risk any
more trouble. I had a somewhat worrisome journey because the
accusations that have been brought upon me by the Prime Minister are
very serious (even though ridiculous). I traveled in a serene way,
because in my conscious I know I did the right thing. Also, because I
know there are many people, from every corner of the world (from Bozoum
to Bangui, from Central Africa to Europe, and elsewhere) who support me
and pray for me. Wednesday, early afternoon, there was a meeting
arranged with the Prime Minister. I was accompanied by the bishop of
Bangui, Cardinal Dieudonné Nzapalainga, and the bishop of Bouar. The
Cardinal has an impressive authority, and is respected by all. The Prime
Minister met with us and the 3 ministers involved in the problem of the
gold mines of Bozoum: the Minister of Mines, Minister of the
Environment, and Minister of the Forests. With heart and thought to the
thousands of people of Bozoum, who suffer because of this injustice by
the mining industry, we voiced their problems and concerns: the
environmental disaster of the excavated riverbed, the pollution of the
water, and the absence of economic repercussions on local communities.
Despite some threats and reproach, the Government acknowledged that
there have been errors, and decided that a new Commission of inquiry
will be sent to Bozoum, and that they will ask the Chinese company to
start work on what they promised (a school, a dispensary and some wells)
and tidying up the river bed. They are only promises, but I hope that
something will follow concretely. We started the work for the
construction of a Community Radio here in Bozoum, financed by Minusca.
An initiative that will make it possible to inform and educate, in a
country where radio is much listened to and followed.
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