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Thursday, July 25, 2024



Fontanelle di Boves


Here I am at the end of this short stay in Italy.

Arriving in Milan on Thursday 11 July, I was welcomed by my sister Marisa and her husband Flavio. We stopped by to say hello to some friends in the area, and continued to Turin, where we met the Carmelite nuns and the fathers. It was the first of numerous festive encounters that I experienced numerous times in these days.

On Friday I stopped by to greet the bishop of Cuneo, because the diocese decided to generously welcome one of our seminarians from Bangassou to attend the seminary here and finish his theology studies.

On Saturday 13 July, at 9pm, I was present at the procession of the feast of the Madonna del Carmine: lots of people and lots of prayer.

On Sunday I celebrated in the parish of the Immaculate Heart, where I grew up and received my First Communion and Confirmation. It's a beautiful moment of celebration, with many friends and relatives. In the memory of my parents, who prayed and celebrated here in this parish, and whom we said goodbye here for the last time, on the day of their funeral, a few years ago.

On Tuesday I begin a series of celebrations and visits to the convents of the Carmelite province. I started with the nuns and fathers of Savona, and in the evening I celebrated the solemn Mass of the feast of the Madonna del Carmelo.

On Wednesday I moved to Bocca di Magra, and on Thursday I was n Genoa, in the convent of Sant'Anna. In the afternoon I stopped by to greet the Carmelite nuns, after having stopped by to visit Monsignor Armando Gianni, bishop emeritus of Bouar.

On Friday I was in Arenzano and then in the Varazze Desert.

On Saturday I celebrated my first priestly ordination! It is a very strong moment in the life of a bishop, and I had the joy of ordaining Brother Francis, a young Carmelite who has lived in Bouar for the last year.

We leave in the afternoon for Pallavicino, a small town in the Apennines, where Enrico Massone, a historic mission volunteer, together with Elisabetta, his wife, organized a dinner for the Missions.

I returned to Cuneo around midnight, and on Sunday 21 July I celebrated Mass in the sanctuary of Fontanelle, created after the First World War to pray to Mary Queen of Peace.

Tomorrow, July 23, I will leave for Central Africa. Rich in many meetings and celebrations, with many people greeting and hugging, who continue to support me with prayer.


Cuneo - Cuore Immacolato

Bocca di Magra
Arenzano - Ordinazione Sacerdotale
Arenzano - Ordination sacerdotale

First confirmations



First confirmations

And now the work of bishop begins!

On Sunday 7 July we administered Confirmations in Tokoyo, the second parish of Bangassou.

Confirmation is the sacrament that "confirms" the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is the sacrament of Christian "maturity". Just as at Pentecost it was the apostles who received the Holy Spirit, so are the bishops, successors of the Apostles who normally administer it.

Before arriving at Confirmation, children, young people and adults were followed and trained by the parish priest and catechists.

Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the Bishop met them for the last catecheses.

At 2.30pm we meet with the 93 confirmation candidates: all (or almost all) have brought the Gospels. The catechesis is very simple: reading various passages from the Gospels, we moved from the incarnation of Jesus to the parables.

It was also an opportunity to teach them how to read the Gospels, to find the references: it was nice to see them frantically leafing through the books of the Gospels, and hurrying to find the right passage.

So we let ourselves be carried away by the beauty of the Gospels, of the simple parables of Jesus, and we set out together with them on the great adventure of life in Christ!

On Friday we continued this catechesis, which we concluded on Saturday morning, together with the parents and godfathers of the Confirmation.

On Sunday morning everyone was ready: at 7.30 the church was packed, and we began the celebration, rich and warm with dances, songs and lots of prayer.

The confirmands were very attentive, and almost shouted out their profession of faith.

Then there was the prayer over them: first the godfathers and godmothers, who were somewhat their fathers and mothers in the faith, then the bishops and priests lay their hands, invoking the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Then we begin the actual anointing: we drew a cross with the oil of Chrism, and the Amen pronounced aloud established the desire to welcome the gift of the Spirit and to commit ourselves.

After communion, about ten of the confirmed people stood up and announced their promise to engage in the various movements of the parish: Scout, choir, Legion de Marie...

The Mass ended at 11: we had greetings and photos, and then a moment of calm, before lunch with the priests and catechists of the Parish.


Monday the 8th I left for Bangui. The 1 hour 20 flight lasted more than 3 hours, because the plane made a stop in Bria, then in Bambari, before arriving in Bangui.

I'm leaving for Italy, where I'll stay for a dozen days. On July 16th, in Loano, we will celebrate together with the Carmelite brothers of the Province, and on Saturday 20th, in Arenzano, I will ordain my first priest, Brother Francesco.






Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Big party in Bangassou!


Big party in Bangassou!

Returning to Bangassou as Bishop also means taking time to celebrate this grace together with the people who God entrusted to me.

For almost two months the community has been working hard. Since a celebration in Bangui on June 9th was not possible, we planned a big celebration on June 30th here in Bangassou.

There will be so many people, that Mass will have to be celebrated outside. We are now in the rainy season, and let's hope it doesn't rain. It ended but being  overcast skies, clouds, but thankfully the rain will only come the following night!

At 6 a woman came and to tell me that, at the offertory, she will bring me a mango plant to plant. She said to me: "I wish your ministry is sweet and good, like the mango fruit!".

At 7.30 we were ready: a long procession, with dancers, altar boys, catechists and about thirty priests. Among them are the priests of Bangassou, a priest from the diocese of Bondo (DRC Congo). Also two Carmelite brothers, Fr. Mesmin and Fr. Arland, who came from Bouar and Baoro.

There were lots of people, in the shade of the large teak trees, and a couple of large canopies. The choir was in good shape, and the whole square vibrated in prayer, song and dance.

We read the Gospel of John, with the miraculous catch of fish and the dialogue between Jesus and Peter: "Peter, do you love me?". And at the third time Peter's response: "Lord, you know everything, you know that I love you!".

After communion, the various parishes and movements brought gifts for the new bishop: it was touching to see the affection and joy of so many people, who gave with joy and simplicity.

At 11.30 the Mass ended. Just enough time for a glass of cold water, and then there was the festive lunch. There were 250 official guests, but then there are the young people from the choir, and the poor: it's a party for everyone!

For Monday work, meetings and decisions that are not easy to make begin: schools, priests, parishes.

Good work!