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Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Lots of joy and some tears



La parrocchia di Baoro prega molto per te, vescovo Aurelio!
La paroisse de Baoro prie beaucoup pour toi, eveque Aurelio

Lots of joy and some tears

It's true, I didn't write the blog last week.

But these days pass at a slightly different pace.

On the one hand I have to organize myself to leave Baoro and the diocese of Bouar, and try to hand over to others the various commitments I have (pastoral work and village schools, the nursery school and the mechanical school of Baoro, the diocesan Caritas, and the Bangui construction site).

On the other hand, it is also the time to say goodbye to the communities and prepare (including luggage) for the journey to Bangassou, which I will do immediately after Easter.

On March 1st, Fr. Davide, our Procurator, arrived with Giovanni Grossi Bianchi (the architect who conceived and has followed the project of the new convent in Bangui), Alessio, Gabriele and Manuel (the bricklayer, welder and plumber), and Maria Paola.

Alessio has started assembling the walls for the closets in the bedrooms, while Manuel is finishing the plumbing systems in the bedrooms upstairs.

With Fr. Davide, Giovanni, Fr. Cyriaque, we are trying to figure out how to continue the work in my absence... They will do it!

Thursday 7 March we left for Bangui, myself, Fr Davide, Giovanni and Maria Paola. After a stop in Baoro, on Saturday morning we left for Baoro, and in the afternoon we took the road to Bozoum.

17 km from Bozoum we saw a motorbike arriving: as soon as it saw us, it turned around and set off again. And at 14 km, where the road was flooded, we found the first welcoming committee: Fr Marco, the parish priest, with motorbikes and cars and many people who came to give their first, very joyful greeting.

We continued slowly towards Bozoum, and 5 km from the city I found Gauthier, who came all the way there in his wheelchair to say hello to me!

At the entrance to Bozoum there was a crowd: I got out of the car and continued on foot to the parish, where others were waiting for me. They welcomed me with greetings (the orphans of the Arc en Ciel center, the students of our elementary school and those of our St. Augustin High School).

Despite the emotion I was feeling, I managed to say a few words!

The next day, Sunday, I celebrated Mass: we started at 8 and finished at 11! It was wonderful to pray, sing, laugh... and even cry a little together.

Here in Bozoum there was a mixture of joy and sadness: joy because Fr. Aurelio had become bishop, and sadness because he has to go far away! But God is great, and the joy and affection of these days are His caress, His consolation!

On Monday, before leaving I managed to make a pizza for everyone, and we left for Baoro.

Latest news: in the next few weeks the title of the blog will change, from News from Bozoum live to after Bozoum, news from Bangassou .

Alba sul nuovo convento
Aube sur le nouveau couvent

Il nostro architetto Giovanni

Alessio e Giovanni


A 14 km da Bozoum, il primo comitato d'accoglienzza!
A 14 km de Bozoum, le premier accueil!

Gauthier, che ha spinto la sua carrozzina fino a 5 km da Bozoum!
Gauthier, qui a poussé son fauteil roulant jusqu'à 5 km de Bozoum!



Friday, March 1, 2024

A flood of love and prayers



Insieme a Mons. Aguirre
Ensemble avec Mgr Aguirre,

A flood of love and prayers

Friday, February 23rd was the day chosen for the official announcement of my appointment from Fr. Aurelio to bishop of Bangassou. At 12pm, the Vatican Press Office published the news, and until that time there was absolute secrecy.

The Nuncio wanted to choose our community of Carmel, here in Bangui. So I notified the community of a general visit by the Nuncio with some guests, towards the end of the morning.

At the same time, Fr Federico, our provincial superior, had summoned his brothers and friends to Arenzano to communicate the news.

The Nuncio arrived at around 11:20am, together with Monsignor Juan Josè Aguirre, bishop of Bangassou since 2000. There was also the bishop of Bouar, the diocese where I worked for more than 30 years, and the bishop of Bossangoa, president of the Episcopal Conference. Along with the young theology students, who returned from school earlier than usual. But no one knew the actual news…

We went to the chapel, where we prayed the psalms of the Median Hour, and then the Nuncio began to read the announcement of the nomination. It was a surprise for everyone!

Spontaneously one of the students began to sing the Te Deum, the hymn of thanks to God, and I hugged Mons Aguirre, the bishops, p,Mesmin, p. Cyriaque, and all the young people.

I took the floor and began... "Today, 50 years ago, a Carmelite became bishop of Bari (Cardinal Ballestrero). And today, February 23, 1952, my dad and my mom were married! From heaven they certainly are rejoicing over this..."

After lunch we quickly visited the construction site, and then with Mons Aguirre we went to the city, and we started to discuss, talk, get to know each other and prepare some plans: I am going to Bangassou immediately after Easter, to start getting to know the diocese, the priests and the people, and to visit some parishes, before the rains prevent it. It will be a very intense 2 months!

On June 9th there will be the episcopal consecration here in Bangui. Unfortunately it will not be possible to do it in Bangassou, due to the impossible roads, and also due to the lack of reception facilities.

The next day I asked to meet our seminarians. In Bangassou there is the minor seminary, but for high school and theology they have to come to Bangui.  This means leaving their diocese and family for a few years before returning. Together with Mons Aguirre, we met them in the two seminaries that welcomed them: it was beautiful to spend time with them, to see the affection that binds them to Mons Aguirre, and the desire to give themselves to God and the Church.

Sunday morning I left for Baoro. But... a few kilometers away I was stopped, then we continued, and after a couple of kilometers we met the mayor, and some young people on motorbikes who led the procession, and we entered the city.

I walked the last stretch, surrounded by the joy and enthusiasm of so many people!

In recent days I have received hundreds and hundreds of messages from many people, from all over the world!

It's nice to know that you're surrounded by so much affection and so much prayer!

Il Nunzio Apostolico legge l'annuncio della nomina
Le Nonce Apostolique lit l'annonce de la nomination

Con i seminaristi di Bangassou
Avec les grand séminaristes de Bangassou à Bangui

Il sindaco di Baoro
le Maire de Baoro