and ... nothing! And nothing: it was a quiet week. How the Bozoum weeks can actually be! We are at the end of the school year, and between big and small commitments we continue to move forward. And nothing: our boys and girls and the children of our Bozoum schools prepare for the last leg of the school year. From kindergarten to high school, passing through elementary school, the Arc en Ciel orphan center, literacy and women's promotion center, more than 1,500 students attend our schools every day. Not to mention the other 2,400 students who attend schools in the villages of the savannah. And nothing: Saturday and Sunday, in the Parish, we welcomed some young people from the nearby parishes (nearby ...: Baoro at 170 km away, and Bossemptele at 90!) for a small forum. It was an opportunity to reflect, pray and let ourselves be touched by the words of Pope Francis: "Christ lives. He is our hope and the most beautiful youth of this world. All that He touches becomes young, becomes new, and is filled with life ". It is they who animated the celebration of Sunday Mass. And nothing: we go on, day by day, trying to listen to and answer the questions and needs of so many people. And the various promises to control and solve the problems created by the wild exploitation of gold by Chinese companies? Still nothing…
Messa dei giovani a Bozoum Messe des jeunes à Bozoum |
Il cantiere della Radio di Bozoum Le chanteir de la Radio de Bozoum |
Lavori in vista Travaux à faire... |
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