Apologies for my absence...but sometimes it’s for a good reason!
I’ve been a little silent, partly because the internet connection in
the last few weeks has been poor and slow. Also because I was often
travelling in between here Bangui, Bouar e Ngaundaye...
Towards Bangui part of the road is paved with concrete (although 70km are filled with holes) and only one way trip are 400km
Towards Bouar it’s about 250km road track, concrete and road track again
finally towards Ngaundaye it’s 220 km road track. Awful one, with
broken bridges and potholes everywhere...I went to Bangui to meet up
with my superior and some chores. Also to get some information about
Visas for some of the families that will have to participate to the big
Families Gathering party in Milano in June.
In the meantime, Dr
Vera Svobodova, from Praga, keeps working in our dental practice in
Bozoum. In 3 weeks she has examined 538 children (from our schools!) and
other 96 adults. She has been doing extractions, root canals,
fillings...really a lot of work that puts back a smile to many people’s
face (literally!)
Last week I went to the North, in an area that
was rebel occupied until few months ago. Now is quieter and we want to
help the locals to regain hope and a future. We’re distributing plant
seed for the fields: peanuts, millet, corn and beans. There are more
than 2000 families. I passed through every village, where i met up with
village chiefs and adults representatives. To promote and explain how
important are agriculture and work especially keeping in mind the goal
of rooting a peaceful life in the villages
In these days, between
2nd and 5th of May a couple of agriculture technicians are going to each
village to pass on training and divulge information on farming
this is a project that has been created by a Finnish ONG
(FINN CHERCH AID) which works in the Central African Repubblic for the
first time.
Finally, On May the 2nd i drove 3 people from the
Finnish ONG to Bouar, they helped us to finalize the paperwork for
this project. I took this opportunity to attend to the Catholic School
Deans meeting of our diocese, they provide school education to more than
13.000 kids...a long road ahead, some crying for help some spreading
seeds: I pray that the Lord bless them and let them spring!