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Saturday, September 28, 2019



We continue this very intense month. 

Sunday the 22nd we celebrated the beginning of the catechism year, with the blessing of thirty men and women who are committed to teaching catechism to 500-600 children, young people and adults. 

During the 8:30 Mass we prayed for them, asking God for the light and the grace to help the catechumens discover the joy of the Gospel and the beautiful life of the Christian. 

Immediately after Mass I left for Bangui, where I arrived in the evening. Here I found the community of Carmel, and Giovanni Grossi Bianchi, the Italian architect, with whom we have been working for a couple of years for the project on the Convent of Bangui. This time we hope it is the right time, and that the project can materialize. 

There were 2 days of meetings, discussions, measurements on the ground, while a Central African company was looking for water on the site, with a dowser. 

I returned to Bozoum with a small team of workers, who are to assemble the antenna for the Bozoum community radio "La voix de Koyale", which we are building. 

Meanwhile, the story of the wild exploitation of gold in Bozoum by Chinese companies returns to the newspapers, with an article by Cyril Bensimon on "Le Monde". If you want to have the latest updates, here they are: 

I catechisti della Parrocchia di Bozoum
les catéchistes de la Paroisse de Bozoum

Il rabodmante
le sourcier

Scuola materna
école  maternelle

Smontaggio della vecchia antenna
Démontage de l'antenne

la tribuna per le autorità, dono cinese a Bozoum (invece delle scuole e dispensari promessi)
la tribne pour les autorités, don chinois, au lieu des écoles et dispensaires promis

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Happiness, happiness and pain

Happiness, happiness and pain
September is a very busy month (and we're only halfway through!). 
Last week I was in Bouar, where our young Carmelites had very intense moments. After a week of silence and prayer on Friday evening six of our young people began the Novitiate (which marked the entry into the Order of Carmel). They were 2 Central Africans (Michel et Jephté) and 4 Cameroonian (Laurent, Armel, Evrard, Péguy).
The following morning, during the Lauds prayer, at 6:30 am, 9 young students renewed their commitment to live the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience. 
Shortly afterwards, at 9.00, we began Mass, during which 3 young people (Maixent, Gérard and Michaël Marie) concluded the Novitiate year and promised to live the 3 vows. 
They were beautiful moments that were full of grace. The journey was very long, but seeing the young people embarking on this path fills me with joy and hope. They are the future of the Church and of Carmel in Central Africa.
 In the early afternoon I resumed regular activities together with Marta Gallione, a girl from Turin, who will live in Central Africa for a month. In the evening I was in Bozoum and on Sunday morning we celebrated the beginning of pastoral activities. 
 Between Monday and Tuesday we reopened schools: between kindergarten, elementary, middle and high school, we have more than 1,500 children come to school every day at the Mission. It is a celebration to see their smiles and their joy at returning to school. 
 Unfortunately, I received some bad news on Wednesday: the river Ouham overflowed, and has flooded parts of the rice fields. In the afternoon I went to see, and what I saw was  bleak: at least 6-8 hectares (one third of the land) was covered with water, and production and harvest are now compromised. Months of work, hard work, which goes like this, destroyed by the force of nature and human stupidity. 
 This is the first time in 25 years that this has happened.  It has not been a very heavy rainy season so most likely the flood is caused largely by the gold mining works of the Chinese companies. 
It is sad to see that the greed of large corporations causes such destruction for dozens of families. Unfortunately, despite the complaints, investigations, presence of mercury in the water by these companies and by the Government there has still been no charge to try to limit the damage. 
 Happiness, happiness and pain

I 6 nuovi novizi con igli altri giovani in cammino
les 6 nouveaux novces

Prima Professione di Mexant, Gerard e Michael


Marat Gallione

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Almost ready!

Almost ready!

Only a few days are left before school begins. Here in Central Africa the  official opening is September 16th.
We are also busy; cleaning the classrooms, painting, and other various repairs. Everything must be ready for more than 1,500 students who, between kindergarten, elementary, middle and high school, begin class Monday.
 In some classrooms, thanks to the help of the Czech government, we are preparing some educational frescos, which are used to invoke the students allowing them to converse, explain and count.
Meanwhile, parish activities are also approaching their start. For a couple of weeks we will have a seminarian from the diocese, who will stay with us for an internship lasting a year. I entrusted him with liturgical training, which about seventy people from the parish attend.

A bit about the roads ... I managed to get to Bouar, which is where I am writing from . By now, in full rainy season, it is becoming more difficult to move and travel.

Formazione sulla liturgia
Formation sur la liturgie