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Friday, May 29, 2020

End of May


End of May

Here we are at the end of May (already?!?!).

On Wednesday I celebrated my birthday, and also the anniversary of my priestly ordination. 58 years, half of which I have passed in this beautiful part of the world, Central Africa.

We have been very busy trying to help stop the spread of Covid-19, which has already infected 755 people, here in Central Africa.

Thank God, we have had the generosity of many people and many countries. Between the Italian Episcopal Conference, Italian Caritas, CRS (Caritas of the United States), and various countries (England, Holland, Germany, Ireland), various bodies and foundations, we have been working hard to raise awareness in both cities and small villages, and been able to buy protective material for staff, hand washing stations and material for the care of the sick.

This morning, May 28th, I left Baoro at 4, just to organize the purchases and the preparation of these projects.

Arriving in Bangui, after 400 km of road, we were stopped at a barrier: and here they measured our temperature, and a swab for coronavirus. All done in a very serious and professional way.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

25 years (and a bit more)

25 years (and a bit more)

Today, Thursday 20 May, the feast of Ascension was celebrated here in Central Africa. In the midst of a very heavy rain, I celebrated Mass this morning with less than a dozen people. We are now in the rainy season and the storm has slightly discouraged Christians.

Construction work on the Bokongo chapel continues, and we hope to be able to put on the roof soon, and finish the work within a month or two.

Coronavirus continues to rise seriously in Central Africa. From 260 cases last week, we reached 436 today.

But on Monday I received some good news. Actually four great things! The Italian church, thanks to the 8 x thousand, has earmarked funds for the Covid19 emergency fund in Africa. We have presented 4 projects to Caritas Italiana to help the hospitals of Nim, Niem, Maigaro and Wantigera, and they have all been accepted. With this help we can buy masks, coveralls, gloves for protection, but also equipment for analysis and treatment.

Yesterday, Wednesday May 19, Fr.Norberto Pozzi celebrated 25 years of priesthood. We were able, despite all that is happening, to have a little party for him. Some confreres came from other communities, paying close attention to social distancing rules and being very cautious. At 10.30 we celebrated Mass, presided over by Mgr Mirk Gucwa, the bishop of Bouar: a nice opportunity to thank God for the gift of the priesthood, but also to thank Fr.Norbert for his faithfulness and his work.

Fr.Norberto, from Lecco, came to Central Africa as a volunteer, in 1980. Surveyor, builder, but also mechanic and hard worker, he then took the Carmel road, and in 1995 he became a priest, working mainly in the villages around Bozoum .