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Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Even on this week we had our share of hindrances and news.

Bozoum's public schools are open, within the end of week 2 the students were 3753

it's a great success, speaks volumes! and this includes parents confronting fears, kids finding the joy of going back to school again, teachers restarting the educational activities, and friends and donors helping out. and in addition to this great news, here's another one! After a week of intensive training for the teachers, we also began the school for the refugees, that's 700 of them!

In Herba too (the village where on the 20th sept they burned more than 200 houses) i got a good news. I had been there the previous week and there was still a lot of fear and resignation. Last friday though, as soon as i got out of the car i heard the kids voices from the classroom! their parents had mown the grass and prepared the school, and 3 teachers are set off to begin lessons!

this weekend we did the third PAM food distribution to 8500 refugees.

and on Friday, finally ONU arrived in order to open a case of human rights violations (tortures,killings,iligal arrests) that the rebels have been doing and still do here. this ONU presence gives us hope. hope that the violence wall around us can fall crumbling down

Unfortunately in Bouar there have been attacks. Frustrated and tired of this violence some local got to weapons and stroke this attack.Now we fear the rebels will avenge this attack on the population, as they normally would do...

We're trying to stop this horrible situation that has been going on for 7 months now. Friends are petitioning this to the International Court House, requesting and to open a case on the RCA  Authoritues. Please click on the link below, sign with your email and spread this around! 
a small help that can do a lot!

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