On Sunday 24th we celebrated the end of faith
year. After a week of preparation (with catechesis on Creed along with
300 people) we gathered in the morning into town, where the people
arrived from the 4 different sectors of Bozoum. We went up to the church
together around 8 am. So many people and joy for this year which
enabled us to rediscover or Faith and remind us that " who follows
Jesus, the perfect man, becomes himself more perfect" as the Vatican
council II said (GS41)
On Monday they told me the Italian
embassy in Yaounde (Cameron) is ready to give Hyppolite his visa. He's
the kid who has been paralyzed after a bad fall in class. So on Tuesday I
went personally to tell him, here's the video we made
On Tuesday some ONU representatives dropped by, so I arranged a meeting with local victims tortured by the Seleka rebels....
On Wednesday I went on the road again (700 km of almost-road, with huge holes, stones and endless dust)
Wednesday : Bozoum
Bocaranga – Ndim – Ngaundaye
Thursday : Ngaundaye – Bocaranga – Bohong – Bouar
Friday: Bouar – Baoro – Bossemptele – Bozoum
tour's main goal was to meet with local parishes and to assess the
situation, better understand people's needs and arrange the Caritas plan
for 2014
Everywhere the situation is still tense. Seleka rebels are
everywhere, they still have barriers in every village, still looting,
using violence, torturing and arresting random people....
these days ONU are making decisions, France and African Union are
preparing a military action....hopefully that will help our situation.
In the meantime tough, there's anxiety and fear!
In my tour I
had meetings at the weirdest times, like 7.30 am or lunch time or 5 pm.
But it is wonderful to see the so many monks, nuns, laic volunteers that
worry and take care of anyone who needs help, makes no difference if
they are Christians, Muslims, Car people or foreigners...this too, is a
lesson, in a moment as this one. Where the country is sinking in
tensions. Finally, on Friday night, after 700km, tons of dust and holes,
one punctured wheel, I came home to "see the stars again" as Dante
said....Domenica 24 novembre abbiamo celebrato la chiusura dell'Anno
della Fede. Dopo una settimana di preparazione (con catechesi sul Credo,
seguite da circa 300 persone), domenica mattina ci siamo ritrovati in città,
dove erano convenuti in processione i fedeli dei 4 settori di Bozoum. E alle
8h00 siamo saliti insieme verso la Chiesa. Tanta gente e tanta gioia per questo
Anno che ci ha permesso di riscoprire la Bellezza della Fede, e di ricordarci
ancora una volta che "chi segue Gesù Cristo, l'uomo perfetto, diventa
anch'egli più uomo", come dice il Concilio Vaticano II (GS 41).
Lunedì sera ricevo la notizia che l'Ambasciata d'Italia a
Yaounde (Cameroun) è pronta per rilasciare il visto a Hyppolite, il ragazzo di
Bozoum che è rimasto paralizzato per una caduta in classe. Martedì mattina
passo a scuola per dirglielo... ed è felice! qui il video dell'annuncio!
Martedì è passata una missione delle Nazioni Unite, che si
occupa dei diritti dell'uomo, e li ho fatti incontrare con alcune delle vittime
delle torture della Seleka…
Mercoledì invece mi sono messo in pista (ed è il termine
esatto! 700 km di semi-strade, con buche, pietre e polvere a non finire!).
Mercoledì: Bozoum –
Bocaranga – Ndim – Ngaundaye
Giovedì: Ngaundaye – Bocaranga – Bohong – Bouar
Venerdì: Bouar – Baoro – Bossemptele – Bozoum
Scopo della tournée era di incontrare le varie parrocchie
per avere un'idea della situazione e capire quali sono i bisogni della gente,
per preparare un programma con la
Caritas per il 2014.
Dappertutto la situazione è molto tesa. I ribelli Seleka
sono dappertutto, e ci sono barriere in ogni villaggio un po' grosso. Un po'
dappertutto continuano i saccheggi, le violenze, le torture e la detenzione
arbitraria delle persone.
In questi giorni l'ONU sta prendendo delle decisioni
importanti, e la Francia e l'Unione Africana stanno preparando un intervento
militare… e speriamo che possano risolvere la situazione. Ma nel frattempo, c'è
molta tensione e paura!
Durante la tournée ho fatto delle riunione (alle ore più
impossibili, tipo le 7.30 di mattina, o le 13, o alle 17) ma è bello vedere la
preoccupazione di tanti Padri, di tante Suore, e di tanti laici che si prendono
cura di tutti quanti sono in difficoltà, senza curarsi se siano cristiani o
musulmani, centrafricani o stranieri…
È anche questa una lezione, nel momento in cui il paese sembra
affondare nella tensione.
E venerdì sera, dopo 700 km, dopo un sacco di polvere e
buche, e una bucatura, rientro a Bozoum, "a riveder le stelle", come
diceva Dante…
On Sunday 24th we celebrated the end of faith
year. After a week of preparation (with catechesis on Creed along with
300 people) we gathered in the morning into town, where the people
arrived from the 4 different sectors of Bozoum. We went up to the church
together around 8 am. So many people and joy for this year which
enabled us to rediscover or Faith and remind us that " who follows
Jesus, the perfect man, becomes himself more perfect" as the Vatican
council II said (GS41)
On Monday they told me the Italian
embassy in Yaounde (Cameron) is ready to give Hyppolite his visa. He's
the kid who has been paralyzed after a bad fall in class. So on Tuesday I
went personally to tell him, here's the video we made
On Tuesday some ONU representatives dropped by, so I arranged a meeting with local victims tortured by the Seleka rebels....
On Wednesday I went on the road again (700 km of almost-road, with huge holes, stones and endless dust)
Wednesday : Bozoum
Bocaranga – Ndim – Ngaundaye
Thursday : Ngaundaye – Bocaranga – Bohong – Bouar
Friday: Bouar – Baoro – Bossemptele – Bozoum
tour's main goal was to meet with local parishes and to assess the
situation, better understand people's needs and arrange the Caritas plan
for 2014
Everywhere the situation is still tense. Seleka rebels are
everywhere, they still have barriers in every village, still looting,
using violence, torturing and arresting random people....
these days ONU are making decisions, France and African Union are
preparing a military action....hopefully that will help our situation.
In the meantime tough, there's anxiety and fear!
In my tour I
had meetings at the weirdest times, like 7.30 am or lunch time or 5 pm.
But it is wonderful to see the so many monks, nuns, laic volunteers that
worry and take care of anyone who needs help, makes no difference if
they are Christians, Muslims, Car people or foreigners...this too, is a
lesson, in a moment as this one. Where the country is sinking in
tensions. Finally, on Friday night, after 700km, tons of dust and holes,
one punctured wheel, I came home to "see the stars again" as Dante
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