Chrétiens et Musulmans ensemble, à Tatale Cristiani e Musulmani insieme, a Tatale |
l'école de BATA La scuola di Bata |
Bozoum begins to breathe again, but tension remains high. There's little
shootings but we need to stay alert! Every morning at 8 am we have a meeting
(the prefect, the MISCA chief, myself, the Red Cross, , MSF
, l'UNHCR e OCHA , justice and peace, caritas and an evangelic priest) to
evaluate the current situation and which solutions are best to put in place.
The remaining of the country also is in great tension and distress: in
Bangui there have been many shootings, in Bocaranga and Ngaundaye are still
afraid the Baba Ladde rebels will show. In our parish in Baoro (where more than
3000 Christians and Muslims hide) people have begun to go home and a thousand
Peuls have set foot to Cameroon.
Finally the Pam food has arrived and we began to hand it out to 1500
families (that's 6000 people more or less) who had their houses burnt down.
Most of them have started building again and often we come across people
remaking their roof or collecting hay.
On Saturday and Sunday we received a visit which made us happy three times.
First because since November last many ongs left, second because father Marco
and father Claudio came over to show love and affection forum our religious
family from our province in Genova, Italy. And third because father Emilio
Martinez, General vicar of our order has come to
Give his support to all the Carmelita's brothers and sisters.
Their arrival and departure has been a real adventure. They came here from
Cameroon with a bus and left from Bangui under shootings attacks.......
we keep on checking the schools in our area, we have two projects that have
been financed by the Czech Republic and by UNICEF.
In Bozoum 50% of the students have started school again. Not much, but it
is something.
On Friday the 21st of February I went 60 km far from here, in Bokpayen and Tatale
Which are hosting 700 Peuls. This is a rather unqualified case, but not the
only one!
We met with the villagers and we encouraged them to keep this path of peace
and cohabiting.
Few grains of Hope in a country where tensions between communities keep on
getting worse.
Distribution du matériel scolaire à Bockpayen Distribuzione di quaderni e matite a Bockpayen |
Réunion à Tatale |
Chretiens et Mususlmans, réfugiés à la Paroisse de Baoro Cristiani e musulmani rifugiati nella Parrocchia di Baoro |
Pères et Soeur de Baoro au travail pour les réfugiés Padri (Daniel e Dieudonné) e Suore al lavoro per i rifugiati |
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