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Friday, July 25, 2014

Another intense week!

Another intense week!
On Sunday the 13th we celebrated Confirmation sacrament for over 120 people, here in Bozoum. UnfortunAtely, due to his age and sickness the Archibishop didn't make it so he delegated to me to Oder them.
We had a grand Mass, with dances and songs alternating intense praying moments for these kids and adults who received the Holy Ghost's gift.
These days we're also organizing year end for public schools, which have been able to function and host 15000 kids thanks to the help of Czeck republic and Unicef. This morning I red Pope Francis speech "often we ask ourselves which kind of world will we leave to our children?" Perhaps it could be best to ask "which kinda children will we leave in this world?"
On Tuesday we celebrated the Madonna of Carmel day in all our communities, so I travelled around in Bouar, then Bangui, for over 1140 km
In Bangui I had the chance to meet over 10000 refugees hosted in our convent since December 2013 they have been living for almost 8 months of unstable lifestyle, under tents, in very difficult condition. We tried to understand together the possibility for them to go back home in the foreseeable future. It's their big dream, however it clashes with the harsh reality made of violence and high risk of getting killed.... Hopefully there will be more military actions to make the capital safer 
Our long journey home was full of events. We came across several Antibalaka's barriers, a hundred trucks convoy going back to Cameroon escorted by French and Rwandese soldiers.
We also had to stop 200 km from destination because the heavy rain of the morning literally took over a bridge: the iron tube for water waste had been dragged down for over 30 meters, so only a tiny eart made bridge had left.... Few small cars with much difficulty can cross  over a small passage that kids built nearby the road, however it takes at least 40 minutes and there's high risk of getting swamped.
After 4 hours I decided to give it a shot. A quick sign of the cross, holding my breath we managed to cross it 
Thanks to The Lord we made it!

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