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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Five times a centenary and yet still young!

Five times a centenary and yet still young!
It’s not my 500 years birthday but St Teresa of Avila’s, the foundress of the Discalced Carmelites!
The whole world will soon celebrate the five hundred years anniversary of her birth (1515). A great woman, her heart and love belonged to God and to His Church. A woman for God, she was able to inspire and guide a multitude of people in the gift of self-discovery and in prayer.
She lived in an age of exploration (discovery of America) as well as political, social and religious turmoil. Confronted with the problems of her time, Teresa, instead of complaining or giving advises, decided to change herself and in doing so she became a Saint and a Doctor of the Church,
 Here in Bozoum, beside the Parish Church, there are 3 Chapels. The most beautiful is dedicated to St Teresa and it is here that we celebrate the fifth centenary of her birth. Everybody is busy and involved the altar boys, the dancers and the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites.
Today I succeeded to have Robert brought to Mass. A man paralyzed for years due to a bad fall, he is a simple person full of joy despite his many difficulties.
We celebrate with so much joy but also with some worries. Few weeks ago, in this same neighborhood, we had some persons accused of witchcraft, few risked their life and one had one ear cut off. Also the whole country is unsettled. It’s since few days ago that in Bangui the fighting had started again and the fear is that it could expand.
Teresa once said “The world is on fire!” It’s true!  May she teach us to take responsibility for it, may she teach us to be faithful in our prayer and work!


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