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Monday, January 12, 2015


Chiesa di Santa Chiara, Cuneo

As for the last few days in Italy I felt very busy: meetings, greetings, celebrations. Finally on Monday I leave. With me there are other three people: Henry Massone ( a builder, coming to RCA since 1987 every year!), Alessio (builder himself, and Sister Beatrice a Clarissa nun.
In our travel back home we faced some delay, something unexpected, but we got well in Bangui. On Tuesday at 6.00 pm we were in our convent “Carmel”.
On Wednesday we went through meetings and meetings. The most beautiful it was the one with approximately twenty young people of UASCA (a small association that collects kids coming from the seminary at Yole, in Bouar, where I worked for ten years).
They wanted to see me in order to have information about the Award regarding “Human Rights” which I received in Madrid. I take this opportunity to encourage and stimulate them to think seriously  to become  able to make choices and act for the good of their Country.
At 5.30 am on Thursday we leave for Bozoum. 400 km of road are ahead of us, thankfully no surprises on sight. We reach Bossemptele. Here we visit Hyppolite, hospitalized because of a fracture and other health problems. He's well enough, and we hope he can recover soon.
Around noon we are in Bozoum, at the right moment when pupils leave school: a human river of children and young men and women, all of them screaming: "Aurelio, Aurelio, Aurelio".
At the Mission I find Fr. Enrico, Fr. Norberto, and the Nuns. In the afternoon of that same day we had a meeting in order to organize the Agricultural Fair, to be held in Bozoum from January 31 to February 1st.
Enrico and Alessio are put to work very soon. We have to remake the warehouses roofs to install solar panels. It’s a great project, which should allow us to have power 24 hours a day ending the use of generators.
Really many job sites in our Mission: school, parish, buildings, Agricultural Fair.
At this point: good job to all in Bozoum!

la mia parrocchia
ma Paroisse à Cuneo

Piazza Galimberti, Cuneo

Incontri dell'ultim'ora a Cuneo

Incontro con i giovani UASCA a Bangui

Hyppolite all'ospedale di Bossemptele

Enrico fotografa

Alessio e i primi contatti
les premiers contacts de Alessio

Inizo dei lavori a Bozoum
commencement des travaux à Bozoum

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