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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Training stages, travels and meetings….a busy week!

Training stages, travels and meetings….a busy week!
Monday, together with Fr. Marcello, we began a week of training for catechists of Bozoum and surrounding villages. Catechists are essential to missionary work: they live in neighborhoods and villages, lead the prayer and teach catechism to catechumens. Without them, the Church in Africa would be paralyzed and blocked in the larger centers! Monday I’m on my way to Bangui reaching the town in the evening, just in time to celebrate with the young Carmelite students their vows renewal. On Tuesday afternoon I’m at the airport welcoming Ludmila and Vojtech, coming from Prague. They are back to Central Africa for a training stage of our elementary schools teachers. On Wednesday we leave early from Bangui and, after leaving Ludmila and Vojtech in Bossemptele, I drive toward Baoro. I’m there at 11.00 am. By early afternoon I have a meeting with the leaders of the parish and the local people in order to reflect on what had happened a few days before: a demonstration with threats against the Mission on the occasion of a Father departure, but as well because the parish had welcomed and protected Muslims preventing some violence related to witchcraft. The situation is much more peaceful than last Saturday. The young demonstrators, most concerned to seek a pretext and the opportunity to loot and take advantage of it, are gone. Doesn’t make sense that a country can be into the hands of few people who at the least excuse may block the national road and harm others! At 4.00pm I can leave, finally arriving at Bozoum at 7.30pm. On Friday begins the training of teachers in our schools. Ludmila Böhmová and Vojtěch Bílý have prepared everything (as usual) in all details. The purpose of teachers training is to explain an enjoyable teaching way, so that children and young people can learn better and with less effort, avoiding or at least decreasing the memorizing stress. The result is that the students learn in a more logical way and much more easily. Ludmila and Vojtech have worked hard in recent months, with professional friends Ludmila and Vojtech have worked hard in recent months with professional friends: Jan Korda, Václava Bratinková, Terezie Imlaufová, David Böhm, Didier Kassai, Michaela Antůšková, Adéla Svobodová, and Alice Trefná. On these days many things pile up. While approaching the beginning of the school, the nuns just arrived dedicate themselves to the registration of orphans at the center “Arc en Ciel”. Good job!
Latest updates about Hyppolite. Thanks Alessandra and company!
"He is still hospitalized in Savona. Yesterday he had the scintigraphy. I do not know yet the results. This Monday we’ll see again the plastic surgeon and perhaps he is going to have a smaller Vac. He's fine and in a good mood”.

Suor Christine ed i bambini dell'Arc en ciel

La Missione di Baoro

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