Baptisms and kilometers
Sunday August 21st we experienced a
special moment: 9 children were baptized! They were 3 months of age and 3 years
old. During this Year of Mercy they received the grace to become sons of God! While
baptizing them, I think about the grace we received by Baptism! How short we
are in appreciating the gift!
Monday morning at 5.00 am I resume
the work of the church glasses ending up at about 10.00 am, just in time to get
ready to leave towards Bangui where I arrive, together with my Italian friends,
around 7.00 pm. Tuesday I have enough
time for a few meetings and visits. Then I take all my friends to the airport
because they are going back to Italy, along with Fr.Enrico Redaelli who is
going back for a period of well-deserved time of rest.
As they leave, arrives with the same
flight Fr. Maurice Maikane, a Carmelite priest, born in Bozoum. He is back
after three years spent in Rome to deepen his studies in youth ministry.
With him I leave Bangui on Wednesday
morning around 6:30 am arriving at noon in Baoro his new community. In the
afternoon I travel again: direction Bouar. The next morning I’m once more on
the road back to Bozoum.
I covered a long distance with lots
of kilometers (over 1,100 Km). Life is
beautiful that way too!