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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Colours in the making

Colours in the making
Here I’m to you a bit late. These days we’re working hard building up the new windows for the church. Few months ago I asked a confrere of Arenzano, Fr. Marco Cabula, for some drawings. Then Providence came on our side in such a way that we might buy the glasses and, after some ups and downs, we received them thanks to our Administration in Arenzano. At the end of last week we started preparing the job, and on Tuesday we began to create all 24 windows wide 2 x 1.40 meters. The new windows will be placed on the new wallsWe are almost done, and I hope that on Monday we will complete the job. ...

Meanwhile, during this week, which began with the Solemnity of the Assumption, the Orphans Centre was opened for several days of games and activities.
And despite the rain, everyone goes forward. And the windows too will sing the glory of God and His beauty! of the church.
The group of Cassina Amata (Pina, Lorena, Cinzia and Silvio, Mary and Eugenio) helped me, along with some young volunteers of the Parish. While I was cutting glass tiles (2 cm thick), the others were setting the parts and began to cover them with scotch tape in order to prevent them from getting dirty when pouring the concrete. We are almost done, and I hope that on Monday the artistic work will be completed.
Meanwhile, during this week, which began with the Solemnity of the Assumption, the Orphans Centre did stay opened for several days of games and activities.
Despite the rain, everyone goes forward. And the windows too will sing God’s glory and beauty!

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