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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Moving, travel and training...

Moving, travel and training
Due to ongoing works, we relocated the Sunday Mass celebration in the great Theater Hall. It’s a temporary solution, which perhaps makes us ready to enjoy to its best the church enlargement with all the renewed areas. These days we have begun to lay the 24 stained glass windows and slowly we are reaching the goal.
Monday I went to Bangui, and I came back on Wednesday morning, with a large group of Czech friends of Prague and its neighborhoods. They are volunteer members of SIRIRI.ORG, an NGO that supports us and did help us for years. They are the ones who have created the "Apprendre en jouant" project (Learning by playing). It’s a very interesting project, which provides a highly participatory approach in the teaching in order to help first-graders to think and to learn while having fun adding also lessons on the national language (Sango) instead of the French language, to teach them reading and to write. After a year of practicing the project in our elementary school and given the excellent results, we expect to widen the experience.
So on Thursday we have started a week of training for 150 teachers belonging to public and private schools in Bozoum and other towns and villages of the region.
I now add this last news: the website   which is an idea of a friend, Maurizio Urbani, who likes to share his project with these words: my name is Maurizio and I am a layman madly in love with God and His Holy Mother. I try to nurture with care my little spiritual garden and I have a deep respect for my neighbour, Catholic (like myself) or of any other faith or atheist. I do not have any kind of foreclosures. I agree to dialogue with everyone as long as the dialogue remains within the limits of politeness avoiding improper language. I 'm deeply interested in the history of the Church, the Religious consecrated families (friars and nuns), the hermit monks and the Ministers of the Word from contemplatives to the missionaries. The website was created with the primary intent to promote the activities of the Carmelite missionaries in Bozoum, a mission in Central African Republic. In addition to the breaking news 'taken' directly from the official blog of Fr. Aurelio Gazzera "Bozoum Live", on my website there’ll be various information and photo galleries. also contains a number of Christian music tracks available for free downloading. If you like any of the songs and if you think that for you it’s a positive idea, after downloading it, you can make a small donation. Or if you want you can make as well a contribution “in nature” which in a Christian vision, means praying for Bozoum Mission, "….and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you." (Mt 6,6) I wish you all prosperous and enjoyable life.

la Messa nella sala Teatro
La Messe dans la Salle du Théatre

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