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Sunday, February 5, 2017

Agricultural Fair 2017

Agricultural Fair 2017
Despite everything and everyone ... yes, we were again able this year to organize the great Agricultural Show of Bozoum.
We initiated the Fair on 2004 reaching at present the 13th Edition! We wanted it to encourage all farmers and their cooperatives. It is a celebration of farmers proudness.
Since long ago we all believe that there’s no peace without development, and we continue to encourage the efforts of so many women and men of good will, supported by the conviction that it is only with work, patience and  passion that we can build up the dignity of a person.
Unfortunately the 2017 Edition took place in a difficult moment. Just the day before, Friday February 2nd, a band of rebels attacked the town of Bocaranga, 125 km away, burning houses and market, looting and killing at least 18 people. Due to the insecurity we couldn’t invite the cooperatives of farmers from Bocaranga, Koui, Ndim, Ngaundaye and Paoua. Their absence has greatly reduced the presence of exhibitors and the volume of the goods displayed and sold. In addition to this, we have not received any kind of help or funding from the various NGOs, contrary to previous years. But the Providence is great, and we could manage with our few resources! It took almost a month to prepare the Fair. No shortage of volunteers, staff, and also students of the last class of our High School St. Augustin, which proudly and with availability welcome, register and follow the activities.
Saturday morning, however, we are all ready. The exhibition area well cleaned up, the stands are pretty organized and at 9am we start with a little parade. At this moment we should have the usual introductory speeches by the Authorities, but in months there are not Authorities in Bozoum.
The Fair is an exhibition space to show the most beautiful aspect of agriculture and the resulting business. 
In the afternoon we visit a dozen gardens and here too, a feast for the eyes and for the heart!
Simple people, who work hard, and proudly presents the fruits of their efforts. 
Too beautiful!

gli alunni del nostro Liceo
les élèves de notre Lycée St Augustin

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