3,222 three thousand two hundred twenty two
There are still hundreds of people (children, adults, the elderly, pregnant women) who run away from the worst. The city of Bocaranga, taken by the rebellious 3R movement, on September 23, is at present firmly in their hands, while the luky ones did escape.
On Saturday, we begin the census. With the help of delegates, chosen by the IDPs, and volunteers from Caritas and other NGOs, each family comes sharing their data. We pay particular attention to the children. We put data on the computer, and for now there are 3,222 people, 2,137 of them are children.
A good number of people giving their solidarity do a bit of everything: who opens the doors, who brings something to eat, who helps in cleaning schools and spaces to accommodate everyone.
On Sunday morning at Mass, the Movement of the Legion of Mary quickly organizes a fund raising, kind of, for the refugees: and they collect peanuts, cassava, rice, bread, soap, clothes.
Many Organizations are on alert. And even from Prague, both the ONG Siriri and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are helping us. A small group of Italian friends too, gathered for a BBQ, asking among their friends collect Euro 150 ! Beautiful generosity !
On Tuesday, in the morning, we celebrate the Mass for all students in our schools (Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle, High School, Literacy): a flood of children and teens invade the church!
Wednesday afternoon I leave towards Bouar. In the first 70 km I meet 17 antibalaka barriers, armed with rifles and various tools. There is one of this barrier every 4 km. Naturally, I stop at every barrier, and having with the rebels,very young people, a surreal dialogue. They say they want to defend the Country, but at the same time all of them feel forced to stop asking for a payment.
On Thursday morning we are at the diocesan annual Meeting, that brings together all the parishes. This year, given the situation, the meeting is reduced to just one day. But it touches our hearts listening to the testimony of many fathers, sisters, and catechists who witness the presence of God the Father in the most dangerous areas.
Almost half of the diocese is threatened. Some cities are a theater of dangerous confrontations (Ngaundaye, Ndim, Bocaranga, Niem) and many escape in less inscrutable areas (Bozoum, Bouar).
On Friday morning we meet other parish priests, sisters and catechists of the most affected areas, and we try to organize ourselves in order to help them in a better leaving the meeting with the basic medicines to cure the refugees..
October is the missionary month, and we start it with so much pain for the poor people who suffer and flee. With so much pain for the victims (killing, plundering, violence). With so much pain for the armed groups, the authors of all this. And with so much pain for those who could and should do something, and did nothing !
i doni dell'offertorio per gli sfollati |
Alzabandiera al Lycée St Augustin |
Messa per gli alunni |
I medicinali per gli sfollati Les médicaments pour les déplacés |
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