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Thursday, November 9, 2017

Kenya and Senegal

Kenya and Senegal

These days I am traveling in order to attend a meeting of the Carmelite Superiors of francophone Africa. Friday afternoon I leave towards Nairobi with Father Saverio, our Provincial superior, to Nairobi. We arrive there in the evening. Here we are very well greeted by our Carmelite confreres. On Saturday morning, I meet Father Nicola Fogliacco member of  Consolata Missionaries. He has been here for about forty years and still at present continues teaching Theology with enthusiasm to young generations of all over Africa. I gladly see him again, also because we have common ruts coming both from the same town, Madonna delle Grazie, in the Province of Cuneo. In the afternoon, we tour the city, and on Sunday morning we are fliying  towards Dakar. And after ten hours flight finally we are in Dakar, Senegal. Here we meet with confreres of Congo, Cameroon, Madagascar, Malawi, Burkina Faso, Rwanda-Burundi and Senegal. Some Fathers came from our General House in Rome. We'll meet in the coming days to discuss and share the various experiences of our Carmelite life in many different Countries. On Monday morning, before going to our Kaolack convent, we visit a very symbolic and meaningful place: the Gorée Island. Located about 3 kilometers from Dakar, this small island (900 mt. X 300 mt.) here the ships   use to dock to take on board African slave people. Many of the houses were "slave houses" where Africans captured inside the continent, were sorted out, subdivided, weighed, and palpated as cattle, and then loaded into hundreds of ships in horrible conditions to sail for two or three months towards the Americas, where they were sold as slaves. Pope John Paul II, visiting this island in February 1992, said:
"How long is the way which the human family must walk before its members learn to love and respect each other as God's images, to finally love each other as children and daughters of the same Heavenly Father?" In the evening we arrive at Kaolack, where our French confreres have a magnificent monastery, surrounded by savannah The climate here is very hot. These are very busy days, which begin in silence in the chapel, with the liturgical celebration of the Hours, followed by the Mass. During the meetings, we share the real every day life of all districts. In many Countries (Central Africa, Congo, Burundi) the situation is very difficult, but in all areas, there is a good growth, with a large number of young people and a positive presence seeking to bring the richness of the spirituality of Carmel everywhere.

Incontro con il Cardinal Nzapalainga, arcivescovo di Bangui, p.Saverio e p.Mesmin

P.Nicola Fogliacco

la cattedrale di Nairobi

Reusrrection Garden - Nairobi

le strade di Gorée

La parrocchia dell'Isola di Gorée
la paroisse de l'Ile de Gorée

la porta attraverso la quale gli schiavi salivano sulle navi

Couvent des Carmes Déchaux de Kaolack

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