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Sunday, February 25, 2018

Projects and achievements

Projects and achievements
Saturday 17th, just a week after the great celebration of the episcopal ordination of the new Bishop, I’m back to Bouar. In the morning I go to visit the Agricultural Fair, organized here too by Father Beniamino and Caritas.
In the afternoon I’m on my way back to Bozoum, but not alone: ​​Fabrice Martin and Ludmila Bohmova members of NGO SIRIR.ORG of Prague are with me. They will stay in Bozoum and in Bangui for the project "Learning by playing" (the new method for the first Elementary classes, which have proved to be excellent for children's learning).
It is also because of them and, above all, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, that last year we were able to treat more than 14,000 people affected by AIDS, and to help more than 58,000 refugees. To follow, an eloquent statistic:
Medical examinations (CD4, IST exams, biology reports
Medicines and treatments for opportunistic infections
School enrolment
Protection of HIV-positive pregnant women and preventions for infants

Monday I should go to Bangui for a Caritas meeting, and I should reach Bangui by plane. "I should", because after 3 hours waiting on the landing strip, finally I’m advised that the plane I’m waiting for cannot land due to dust (brought by the wind from Sahara desert). At 4pm I leave for Baoro, where I arrive at 7pm. Here I stay for the night with my Confreres, and on Tuesday morning I leave by car at 3.30am towards Bangui, where I arrive after 5 hours of driving covering a 400 Km of road.
Here I have a meeting with the community, where projects continue to advance. The future school of agriculture is growing: the use of bricks in stabilized earth (Hydraform) gives an excellent result. I also meet Father Anastasio, always brilliant, despite his age (He is in his 80s, but it should not be said!). I also gladly find Fr. Philippe, a French Carmelite, who will stay with us for a few months as a teacher. At 11.30am I’m at the headquarters of Caritas Centrafrique, but the meeting is postponed. It’ll take place tomorrow, because the leaders of some dioceses have not yet arrived.
On Wednesday morning we begin the Caritas meeting. I am here as the person in charge for Caritas of the diocese of Bouar, and it is nice to be together in this adventure serving the human community, in solidarity and charity. From the work in each parish to the larger projects, Caritas is present throughout all territory. After a while I have to leave in order to go at the FAO headquarters, where I sign, in the name of the Carmelites, an agreement that foresees the intervention of the FAO for our Carmel agricultural Center. Thanks to funding from the Italian Government, 1,500 young people will have the opportunity to study and train in the agricultural and livestock breeding sectors. In the evening it begins raining, and the rain will be with me all the way back home.
Finally on Thursday at noon I’m in Bozoum. 

Foire Agricole Bouar

I nuovi disegni didattici
les fresques didactiques

P.Marie Philippe e la Scuola di Agricoltura
p.Marie Philippe et l'école d'Agriculture

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