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Saturday, April 28, 2018


And here I am in Europe!
Last week, April Wednesday 18th  and Thursday 19th , I took part, together with about seventy other participants priests, friars and nuns, at the Diocesan Session. Together with the new Bishop of Bouar we have tried to understand how to handle the situation mostly regarding the security (almost half of the parishes are in dangerous conditions, because in areas occupied by rebels). We discussed also about the future of our Diocese: what to do, and how to act. We plan, among other things, the reopening of schools for catechists, next fall. The meeting concludes with the Eucharistic celebration in the chapel of the Clarisse nuns, preceded by a meeting among the Bishop with Friars and Sisters of the diocese.
On Thursday afternoon I go to Baoro, and on early Friday at 4.30am I’m on my way to Bangui. There I have a couple of meetings and finally the check-in for my flight to Europe. In the afternoon I have the flight to Paris, where I arrive Saturday morning, to continue towards Genoa. My confreres come to pick me up at the airport, and in the afternoon I go to Cuneo, for a few days with my family.
But Monday and Tuesday I am in Prague, to meet the Brothers looking after the Shrine of the Child Jesus and for some meetings. On Monday afternoon I take part to the meeting with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, and above all, the friends of the NGO SIRIRI.OPS, with whom we have been collaborating for years. At present I’m back to Italy for a few weeks.
On Thursday May 3rd there will be the presentation of the book "Courage. We must fight so that God grants victory ". I have in my hands the just printed book! Over 300 pages, which collect what I wrote on the blog in recent years. All enriched by some information on the Country, the mission, education, agriculture and much more! It will be possible to find it here:

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Flights, Confirmations and books

Flights, Confirmations and books
Just before Christmas I began taking care of Isaac, a poor blind man who had been the victim of an accident. The International Red Cross had taken him to Bangui by plane, to undergo a surgery and to receive the necessary medical attentions. This week Isaac has finally returned to Bozoum, fit and very happy!
The week is deeply marked by the celebration of Confirmations: it is the Sacrament in which boys, girls, young people and adults receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, which confirms what was received in Baptism. It is the sacrament of Christian maturity, which makes all of them living witnesses of God.
We celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmations not only in Bozoum, but also in Bokaya, Boyele and Manga, villages on the way to Bouar, an also in Paoua and Bocaranga. For the occasion comes the Bishop of Bouar, Monsignor Mirek Gucwa. On Saturday I celebrates in Bokaya, while on Sunday in Bozoum and on Monday morning in Manga and in the afternoon at Boyele. It is an opportunity to meet the Bishop not only because of the Sacrament of Confirmation but also because the Bishop has a chance to meet the youth and the students of our schools, whom He met on Tuesday morning, before leaving.
 And what about the two surprises? Here they are:
1. The following weeks will be published: "COURAGE. We must fight so that God grants victory ". The book collects what I write weekly on this blog, since its beginning until the end of 2017. Thanks to the friendship and generosity of many friends and of our “Missions of Arenzano”, the book will be available in a few days.
2. The second surprise is that at the end of the week I leave for a few weeks in Italy, until May 29th.


Visita del Vescovo nel Lycée St.Augustin
Visite de l'Eveque au Lycée St.Augustin

Lettura davanti al Vescovo nella nostra scuola Bakandja
Un peu de lecture devant l'Eveque à l'école Bakandja

Saturday, April 14, 2018


Il Consiglio Presbiterale
le Conseil Presbyteral

On Friday, the day after the training course for the personnel of the parish Caritas in Bouar, I took part to the Presbyteral Council, together with a dozen priests and the Bishop. The Presbyteral council is made up of some priests of the diocese. Part of the members are diocesan priests, while few others are chosen by the Bishop.  At this meeting of the Council, the Bishop discussed with us and helped us to take decisions. Each one of us freely brings in his point of view, giving also some suggestions to the Bishop. In the afternoon I return to Bozoum, and on Sunday I meet all the newly baptized at Easter Vigil, all dress up with their white clothes. In ancient times this Sunday was called "Sunday in albis", because, after a week of catechesis and formation, the baptized use to return to the church to be part once again in the Mass, dress up with the white clothes of baptism.
On Tuesday afternoon I went to the Rizicole Center in Bohoro, where we began the dam fixing works. While the masons repair the concrete parts, about thirty young people, armed with shovels and carriages, clean the bottom of the lake, which will allow to hold more water.
On Wednesday I go to Bangui, to meet our Community and to take a good look to the making of the Agricultural School. The two buildings are growing pretty well, almost close to the roof. The new technique of bricks made in pressed earth is of a very great help.  These two structures are aesthetically very beautiful.
And for the next week I like to announce in advance two surprises.

i battezzati
les baptisés

i lavori al Centre Rizicole
les travaux au Centre rizicole

la Scuola d'Agricoltura a Bangui
L'école d'agriculture à Bangui

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Easter 2018

Easter 2018
Day after day we have finally reached Easter.
Holy Saturday was a day of silence and meditation. In the afternoon, at 6:30 pm, we got together at the square facing the church, around a huge bonfire. It was already dark and fire became soon the symbol of Christ the Risen One. After lighting from the fire the paschal candle we entered the church. Little by little all the candles were lit up and the song of the "Exultet" that proclaims Jesus Resurrection resounds with joy. Then we listen to the many Readings: through the Scriptures we revisited God’s work among the humanity from the very beginning to Jesus the One who made us free from the death, the only Risen One. And finally it was time to celebrate the Baptisms for  85 Catechumens: babies, kids, youth and adults. It was a very intense moment, almost like the moment of a birth, in which the Mother Church brings her children into a new existence.
The joy is immense. The church is full of faithful as outdoors in the square. During the songs, everyone dances with joy. Among the dancing and singing crowd I saw Virginia, an elderly lady, who recently had a slight stroke. She also joined the dance. The great Liturgy ended  after 10 pm. Little by little the baptized walked down to the city with the other faithful, and the city is filled with songs, which will last all night and the next day.
On Sunday morning, Easter day, the baptized presented themselves in all their splendor, with the white dress. During the Mass the church resounds of songs and dances. There was also a celebration of a wedding. Happily got married Guy Giscarde and Raissa Irene. After the mass, all the baptized go back to their homes, together with friends and family, wrapped up with colored cloths.
We stay with the Sisters for our meal saying goodbye to Sr. Lidia who, after almost three years, returns to Congo, due to health problems. Throughout the week, Easter octave, there is a party atmosphere. The new baptized come every day for the Mass celebration.
On Thursday I go to Bouar, where we organized a day of formation for the Caritas of the parishes of Bouar (Fatima, Wantingera and Cathedral), Baoro, Baboua, Niem and Bohong. Nearly ten priests are present at the meeting together with the Sisters. With us there are thirty lay people involved in the various communities of the diocese in favor of the poorest to be "the hands of the heart of the Church," as Pope Paul VI said.

P.Enrico battezza

Pasqua, i nuovi battezzati.


Saluto a Sr Lydie (a sinistra)
Au revoir, Sr Lydie (à gauche)

Formazione Caritas