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Saturday, April 14, 2018


Il Consiglio Presbiterale
le Conseil Presbyteral

On Friday, the day after the training course for the personnel of the parish Caritas in Bouar, I took part to the Presbyteral Council, together with a dozen priests and the Bishop. The Presbyteral council is made up of some priests of the diocese. Part of the members are diocesan priests, while few others are chosen by the Bishop.  At this meeting of the Council, the Bishop discussed with us and helped us to take decisions. Each one of us freely brings in his point of view, giving also some suggestions to the Bishop. In the afternoon I return to Bozoum, and on Sunday I meet all the newly baptized at Easter Vigil, all dress up with their white clothes. In ancient times this Sunday was called "Sunday in albis", because, after a week of catechesis and formation, the baptized use to return to the church to be part once again in the Mass, dress up with the white clothes of baptism.
On Tuesday afternoon I went to the Rizicole Center in Bohoro, where we began the dam fixing works. While the masons repair the concrete parts, about thirty young people, armed with shovels and carriages, clean the bottom of the lake, which will allow to hold more water.
On Wednesday I go to Bangui, to meet our Community and to take a good look to the making of the Agricultural School. The two buildings are growing pretty well, almost close to the roof. The new technique of bricks made in pressed earth is of a very great help.  These two structures are aesthetically very beautiful.
And for the next week I like to announce in advance two surprises.

i battezzati
les baptisés

i lavori al Centre Rizicole
les travaux au Centre rizicole

la Scuola d'Agricoltura a Bangui
L'école d'agriculture à Bangui

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