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Tuesday, November 6, 2018



Here I am, with a little delay!
During these last days I was traveling, and I could not prepare the blog as I normally do. I am now in Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar.
On November 1st I left Bozoum. Along the way I had technical problems with the clutch of the car, but I managed to get to Bouar. My confreres lent me a car and on November 2nd after spending the night in Baoro, I left at 4 am and arrived in Bangui at 9. After a couple of meetings, on that same afternoon I left Bangui by plane.  I spent the night in Nairobi, and yesterday, Saturday November 3rd, I arrived here in Antananarivo, flying over Kilimanjaro.
I am here for a reunion of Carmelite Superiors in French speaking Africa, and tomorrow we will begin a week of meetings. The country is very beautiful, and it is interesting to see the differences on the faces of the people: typically oriental characteristics mixed with other African resemblances, in a very beautiful mix. The origins of the population of this island are very varied:  from Indonesia, to southern and northern Africa, to the Arab countries.
In addition to the Carmelite Fathers, in whose St. Michael parish I celebrate the Sunday Mass, there are also the Carmelite Sisters of Turin, with whom we work in Central Africa (in Bossemptele and in Baoro). After Sunday Mass, I will get in a taxi (a 2CV, two horse power-engine, which must be at least 50 years old, with a push start) and I will reach the Sisters. They will accompany me to visit the immense work they have done: a dispensary, schools - from nursery schools to High School, a Women's Promotion Center, a dental and ophthalmological office, a church, and novitiate. It is because of this that every day 1500 children and young people find a happy and healthy environment and indeed an excellent education.




Messa alla Parrocchia San Michele di Itaosy
Messe dans la Paroisse de St Michel, Itaosy



Le scuole delle Suore Carmelitane di Torino a Antananarivo

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