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Friday, July 26, 2019

Who leaves and who does not leave

Who leaves and who does not leave 

This morning a brother of mine, Fr. Norberto Pozzi, left Bozoum to return to Italy, because for four months he has gone from one case of malaria to another. 

This is Africa! Between the weather, mosquitoes and work, it sometimes happens that you to realize the limits of your body, and have to take a break.

 Fr. Norberto is from Lecco and is a hard worker, and also has one of the longest beards in Central Africa! He arrived in Bozoum in 1980 as a volunteer, then became a Carmelite, and is still here today. He is the one who takes care of most of the villages around Bozoum (around may be a somewhat of a relative term as the most distant villages are about 80/90 km away). He is the one who follows the twenty or so village schools, allowing more than 3,000 children to go to school. 

While he leaves ... the Chinese remain! We thought they had left last week, but instead they returned, and every morning, at 5, when I get up, I hear their machines working down the river (4 km away!). 

The report of the Parliamentary Investigation Commission clearly denounced the destruction of the environment, the pollution of water for hundreds of kilometers, and recommended the suspension of work. It also came to light that the sites from which Chinese companies extract gold are not even in the areas for which they obtained permits: out of 19 sites, only 2 have been authorized. 

The problem has become dubbed "Bozoum-gate", and there are allegations of corruption at very high levels. Unfortunately, Bozoum is not the only site in which foreign companies (primarily Chinese and Russians) extract gold and diamonds, impoverishing the country (and enriching only a few). 

We'll see. 

Who leaves and who does not leave ...

Radio "La voix de Koyale" di Bozoum: il nuovo direttivo
Radio "La voix de Koyale" de Bozoum: les nouveaux responsables

Lavori in corso alla sede della Radio
Travaux en cours dans le siège de la Radio

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