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Saturday, August 17, 2019

Work and festivities

Work and festivities

August, and it's raining! 
In Central Africa the month of August is the culmination of the rainy season. And even this year it is no different.
Last week, with Caritas, we distributed household goods (buckets, soap, etc.) for 400 Bozoum families. Within the same project, with the help of Misereor (German Caritas) and Cordaid (Dutch Caritas) we provided beds, mattresses and kitchen equipment for 38 families in situations of severe poverty. And with the help of the Lutheran World Federation we are building 11 homes for as many families. 
Sunday, after the celebration of 2 Masses, I left for Bangui. The purpose of this trip was mainly the participation in the meetings with our Provincial, Fr.Saverio, who was passing through Central Africa. We met with the other Carmelites who work in Central Africa in the communities of Baoro, Bouar (Yolé and St.Elie), Bozoum and Bangui. 
On Tuesday afternoon, 12 people from SIRIRI, the NGO of Prague, will arrive in Central Africa for 2 weeks, for teacher training on the method "Learning by playing": some come from the Czech Republic, others from France. 
We will leave with them on Wednesday morning to Bozoum. 
We arrived on August 15, the feast of the Assumption of Mary. 
As per tradition we celebrate the Mass in Doussa, a village 4 km from Bozoum, on the banks of the Ouham River, a few hundred meters from the yards of Chinese companies that extract gold. Some Christians from other nearby villages are also present.
Unfortunately, despite the publication of the river water analysis (which revealed the worrying presence of mercury) NO ONE moved, NO ONE took care to inform the population of the risk of contact and water use, NO ONE reacted . 
So at the end of the Mass, we made a small pilgrimage to the bridge over the river Ouham (built in 1943 by Italian soldiers taken prisoner by the British in Ethiopia!). We carried the statue of Our Lady: in our simple faith, we know that when NO ONE on earth listens to us, it is still her, the Mother, who does not forget about her weakest and most abandoned children. After having arrived on the bridge, we entrusted to her and to her Son the men who suffer and are at risk, the creation entrusted to us, the water that flows into the river.


Concelebrazione della Messa al Carmel con p.Saverio
Concélébration au Carmel avec le p.Saverio

Messa a Doussa
Messe à Doussa

Benedizione del fiume Ouham
Bénédiction du fleuve Ouham

Formazione dei formatori
Formation des formmateurs

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