St. Nicholas, the Immaculate, and so much more
Last Friday, December 6th, was the feast of Saint Nicholas, and since Fr. Nicola, our pastor for twenty years in Bossemptele, died just a few weeks ago, we wanted to meet for the celebration of Mass in his memory. It was around the Bishop, our Provincial, Fr. Saverio, other Carmelites, and priests of the diocese, we were filled with intense prayer and gratitude for the gift of this Father who lived in Central Africa from 1971 to 2013.
Friends and visitors often come to Bozoum. In these days we have welcomed Fr. Anastasio and Chris, a friend who came from the USA.
Saturday morning, before going to visit the vegetable gardens and rice paddies, we moved on to see the headquarters of the new Bozoum Radio, "La voix de Koyale", which was inaugurated on December 7th, thus beginning their broadcasts.
Sunday 8 December was a very important day for our Carmelite family in Central Africa because a young man of ours, Fr. Michael, became a priest. Together with him, a young Carmelite from Cameroon also became a deacon.
The celebration took place in Bouar, in our Sant’Elia monastery, which also celebrated its 25th anniversary on December 8th.
I began the holiday Sunday here in Bozoum, where I celebrated 2 Masses (6.30 and 8.30). At 11.00 I left, and reacedh Bouar in time for lunch. In the large cloister of the convent there were about 200 guests at the table to celebrate Fr.Michael and Fr. Armand: families, friends, fathers, nuns, and priests from Central Africa and Cameroon.
In the afternoon the party moved to the family of Fr. Michael, in the city.
Monday morning, a bit early (at 4.30am), we left for Bangui with Fr.Saverio, Marco and Chris. Apart from a problem with the diesel filter, the journey went smoothly, and at 1:00pm we were in Bangui.
During the stay in our community, I observed with pleasure the production of carcadé: a red flower used for herbal teas and infusions. It just so happens that this year the Central African carcadé will arrive in Italy, to become a component in the preparation of some liqueurs, prepared by Enrico and Piero from "Argalà", an artisan liqueur factory in Boves (Cuneo).
Prima elementare C.I. |
Last Friday, December 6th, was the feast of Saint Nicholas, and since Fr. Nicola, our pastor for twenty years in Bossemptele, died just a few weeks ago, we wanted to meet for the celebration of Mass in his memory. It was around the Bishop, our Provincial, Fr. Saverio, other Carmelites, and priests of the diocese, we were filled with intense prayer and gratitude for the gift of this Father who lived in Central Africa from 1971 to 2013.
Friends and visitors often come to Bozoum. In these days we have welcomed Fr. Anastasio and Chris, a friend who came from the USA.
Saturday morning, before going to visit the vegetable gardens and rice paddies, we moved on to see the headquarters of the new Bozoum Radio, "La voix de Koyale", which was inaugurated on December 7th, thus beginning their broadcasts.
Sunday 8 December was a very important day for our Carmelite family in Central Africa because a young man of ours, Fr. Michael, became a priest. Together with him, a young Carmelite from Cameroon also became a deacon.
The celebration took place in Bouar, in our Sant’Elia monastery, which also celebrated its 25th anniversary on December 8th.
I began the holiday Sunday here in Bozoum, where I celebrated 2 Masses (6.30 and 8.30). At 11.00 I left, and reacedh Bouar in time for lunch. In the large cloister of the convent there were about 200 guests at the table to celebrate Fr.Michael and Fr. Armand: families, friends, fathers, nuns, and priests from Central Africa and Cameroon.
In the afternoon the party moved to the family of Fr. Michael, in the city.
Monday morning, a bit early (at 4.30am), we left for Bangui with Fr.Saverio, Marco and Chris. Apart from a problem with the diesel filter, the journey went smoothly, and at 1:00pm we were in Bangui.
During the stay in our community, I observed with pleasure the production of carcadé: a red flower used for herbal teas and infusions. It just so happens that this year the Central African carcadé will arrive in Italy, to become a component in the preparation of some liqueurs, prepared by Enrico and Piero from "Argalà", an artisan liqueur factory in Boves (Cuneo).
Messa in memoria di p.Nicola a Bossemptele Messe en mémoire du p.Nicola à Bossemptele |
P.Anastasio e Chris |
I nuovi ordinati: p.Michael, sacerdote, e fr Armand, diacono Les nouveaux ordonnés: p.Michael, pretre, et fr. Armand, diacre |
Alberello a Bangui un petit arbre à Bangui |
Oseille de Guinée - Hybiscus - Guimauve |
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