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Saturday, January 11, 2020

With grace upon grace ...

sr Graziana

With grace upon grace ... 

The Gospel of John opens with a great piece on Christ, the Word of God, made flesh. It is thanks to him that "we have all received grace upon grace" (Jn 1:16). 

During these past days we have received the rest of our Christmas gifts! 

On Friday I went to Bangui for a large Caritas meeting, the purpose of which was to develop and adopt guidelines to combat abuse. 

On Friday afternoon I had the great joy of meeting Sister Rosa, Sister Graziana, Sister Rosalie and Sister Chiara, who were here in Bozoum until 2013. They are here in Central Africa, together with their Superior General, Sister Fatima, to accompany Sister Rosalie, a young Central African, who made perpetual profession on Sunday 5 January, committing herself to consecration to God and to her brothers and sisters throughout her life.

After the Profession, early early Monday morning, we left for Bozoum. 

It was great to see the joy of many people, seeing the nuns who lived here in Bozoum for years, giving love, support and example, helping especially the poor, children, the elderly, young people, adults, men, women ... Practically everyone!

On Sunday morning, waiting for Mass, a girl, Grace, approached: a beautiful story, beautiful with the gifts and mysteries of God's love and tenderness. In 2008 a father with two children, Pierre and Grace, arrived in Bozoum. He took them away from the village, where they had been threatened, accused of witchcraft, and sentenced to death! 

After a few weeks spent with the nuns (and seeing nuns of almost 70 years playing hide and seek with them, was one of the best memories!) They were welcomed by Sister Elvira to Berberati, where they were adopted by two families.

Once in a while I receive updates on them, but it was only Sunday that I was able to meet Grace, who is now 16/17 years old! It was a meeting that moved me! 

Life is a miracle!

Sr Rosalie

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