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Sunday, March 8, 2020



This week was all about marriages and families.

On Monday and Tuesday Fr. Marcello (who was the parish priest of Bozoum until 2002) worked with all the catechists of Bozoum and the surrounding villages (about fifty). From Wednesday to Saturday, 17 couples took part in classes on this important aspect of their lives and faith.

Sunday afternoon our bishop, Mgr Mirk Gucwa, arrived for a short visit. It was an opportunity to share the joys and labors of pastoral work, and for him to visit our parish, even if it was very quick. Monday morning we went to greet the students of St. Augustine High School. The students, especially the girls, have the opportunity to participate in interesting initiatives in Cuneo (my big city!): During International Women's Day a nursery (Roagna Garden) offered part of their proceeds to supplement  the scholarships of girls from our high school. Since we started having scholarships available to our female students we have seen their commitment grow: in the last school year (2018/19) in 3 of our classes the girls ranked first place. Thanks to Roagna, Baramò, Salinzucca, and to Paolo Silvestro & friends!

With the return of the Peuls (nomads) in the Bozoum area, in addition to the milk they brought we also found some surprises: in Bokongo (15 km from Bozoum, on the road to Bangui) the returned Peuls are almost 200. Many, in these years of war, have lost almost everything (especially cattle), and have had great difficulties. I have visited with them and together we are trying to understand what their most urgent needs are. They are full of hope, very joyful, and have been well received by the village from which they had to escape in 2013.

First and foremost they need to feel welcomed and protected but there are also health concerns.  I started off by buying basic medicines (a rather small box with disinfectants, ointments, antibiotics, anti-malarials etc., it costs more than 300 euros!).  Monday a nurse will start her daily visits on a motorbike to treat them. This is an initiative implemented by Caritas, and I hope to expand it elsewhere, if possible.

It is for them but also for all those seeking peace, that we are renovating the Maison de la Paix (House of Peace). We had started the renovations in the middle of the war, to have a space for dialogue and discussion, and thanks to some volunteers it continues to offer the possibility of solving problems and tensions peacefully.

On Monday 2 March, exactly 4 months from the last time, the rain finally began to fall in Bozoum.

Peuls a Bokongo

Registro ambulatorio
Registe consultations

Lycée St.Augustin

Formazione dei catechisti
Formation des catéchistes

Formazione al Mttrimonio
Formation Mariage

Maison de la paix

Prima pioggia 2020
Première pluie 2020

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