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Sunday, December 20, 2020

The Baoro intersection




The Baoro intersection

Baoro is a small town at the intersection of two roads: the one that connects Bouar (and the border with Cameroon) to the capital, Bangui, and the one that from Bozoum (theoretically, because that part of the road is impassable) leads south, to Carnot and Berberati (areas of forests, diamonds and timber).

A few days ago the Archbishop of Bangui, Cardinal Dieudonné Nzapalainga, headed for Berberati where he will visit the parishes and the communities, passed through  Baoro, bringing a strong message of faith and reconciliation.

Often as I travelled along these roads, I came to realize that there is another big problem of environmental destruction. Since the bulk of the trade passes through here, many take advantage of this to sell alloy and coal. Unfortunately, due to the large quantities being forested and mined combined with no controlling bodies regulating this, the consequences to the environment are very grave.

Perhaps this is due to the authorities, in recent weeks, have been quite busy with their electoral campaigns. The elections will take place on December 27th, if everything goes well.  These days and hours, there is a lot of tension in the air. In some cities there have been clashes between rebel and military groups. In many others it is rather the war of the "it is said": many rumors of the presence of armed men, but, fortunately, little evidence has been seen.

On Saturday, December 12th, in the afternoon, I celebrated Mass in Zoungbe, a small village 38 km from Baoro. The community is still small, and I celebrated Mass under a thatched roof.

But participation was full and intense.

Gesso artigianale
Platre artisanal

Messa a Zoungbe

Legna e carbone
Bois et charbon de bois

Il Cardinale Nzapalainga e p.Stefano


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