Happy Easter,
despite everything and because of everything.
Here I am, after a few weeks of silence.
I arrived in Italy on February 25th, where I spent the first 2 weeks in
quarantine, as per the requirements of the law.
After quarantine, I was able to
celebrate Mass in suffrage for my mother, on Saturday, March 13, together with
my family, some relatives and friends.
I wasn't able to move around to various towns because of the pandemic, and next
week, Easter Monday, I will be leaving for Central Africa.
In Italy, spring is on its way, however complicated it has been due to
Covid, which continues to affect many people.
The situation is difficult, and many are in trying times; the sick, as well as
the healthy, the elderly and the young, families and children. The economy has
been drastically affected, and relationships are being strained and becoming
increasingly more difficult.
There is a lot of fear for the present, but also for the future.
Yet there is hope, even if small and a little wavering.
There is still the risk of seeing others as a danger, but there is also a great
need and desire for affection, hugs and the call to help others.
There is also, unfortunately, the fear of death.
There is for many the Faith, the resurfacing of the meaning of life, and of the
meaning of the gift of life. All of which hold many things, both small
and large, that are part of it, which at times we often lose sight of when
things go well.
With this, precisely in these upcoming days, the great Easter event is here:
the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus. An invitation and the memory
that, despite everything, life is a gift. With that everything, even
the difficulties, the tragedies, the doubts and the fears, is part of the
journey that brings us closer to God, and to true life.
Happy Easter!
Bocca di Magra |
Loano |
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