Blessed fantasy!
I often meet children, whether here at the Mission, in the villages, or in the city. They are always smiling, have great skills and initiative.
A few days ago I saw 3 children busy around a sort of "machine", made of wire and pieces of plastic and sheet metal, a rod was connected to the steering wheel, wheels that were made with pieces of rubber from old slippers. The best part was they used a couple of old batteries that turned on a small light bulb!
The day before I saw another child, who was trying to whiz by on a contraption with ONE wheel made from a suitcase: he had invented his version of a "scooter"!
For the children, we organized a training session for about twenty teachers of the nursery schools of Baoro and of the villages. A 2-week training, which will allow them to work more effectively in the next school year.
On Sunday I went to Bawi, 35 km from Baoro, where I celebrated the baptisms of 6 boys, girls, an adult and a newborn. For the village it was a big party!
On Tuesday I left for Bangui, to do some work on the new convent, which is progressing, albeit slowly.
The country's situation is becoming increasingly critical. For the past 3 months, fuel has been unavailable. Or rather: unavailable in service stations, but sold on the black market at three times the price ...
Yet every week, dozens of tank trucks pass through Baoro, loaded with diesel and petrol ...
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