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Saturday, October 22, 2022

Long live the Mission



Long live the Mission

Next Sunday is World Mission Day: missionary life is celebrated all over the world, the beating heart of the Church, and at the heart of every Christian life.

Pope Francis reminds us that the heart of the mission, the heart of the Christian faith, is "to be witnesses of Christ. And it is a gift and a call for all Christians.

I, as a missionary, like to celebrate this day and this month dedicated to the Missions. I like it because it reminds me that being a missionary is a gift, a huge gift. A gift for which I have no merit. A gift that God and the Church have entrusted to me, despite my weaknesses and frailties.

On Saturday October 15th we celebrated the feast of Saint Teresa of Jesus, our founder. A woman full of love for Jesus, and full of love for the Church.

On Sunday October 16th I went to Igwe, a village of a dozen huts, 60 km from Baoro. The road was a forest path, and I got there after 2 hours of driving. The catechist, Robert, will be leaving next month for Bocaranga, to attend the school for catechists. The village is very happy with this step. I celebrated Mass under a thatched roof, and Christians brought peanuts, pumpkins and produce from the fields to the offertory, which they offered generously.

Tuesday and Wednesday I went to Bozoum. The water pump was not working, and I tried (unsuccessfully!) to fix it. It was an opportunity to greet the community, now made up of a Central African father, two Italians, one from Bolivia and a French brother. We are to review the following in Bozoum; the market, the rice cooperative, the people and the children.

This road was even worse: the last 60 km took more than 2 hours, and a lot of luck. There was a lot of mud, the road was flooded in several places, and there were holes over a meter wide.

I returned on Wednesday evening, and I received the news of the death of Fr Vittorio Corsini, a lifelong brother and friend. He was a missionary in Central Africa between 1975 and 1980, many Christians still remember him. I will remember him in prayer, in this missionary month.


Strada per Igwe
La route pour Igwe




L'orchestra di Igwe
L'orchestre de Igwe






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