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Monday, July 31, 2023

Colors and light




 Colors and light

While the construction work on the two classrooms in Baoro progresses, other things are also on the go…

Sunday I was in Dobere, a large village 50 km away, on the road to Bangui.

Today was a big celebration, because we celebrated 9 baptisms and a wedding. There was the work of the catechist, of families, of the community. There was also the Grace of discovering the freedom and beauty of being Christian.

On Monday morning I left for Bangui, where work on the new convent continues. The workers have  started putting on the roof sheets.

Between Monday and Thursday I dedicated myself to the creation of 4 beautiful stained glass windows for the new community chapel. A confrere, Fr. Marco Cabula, prepared the drawings, and together with some young people from the community we got busy cutting the glass, preparing it, and then pouring the cement that will frame it.

It will take a few weeks of patience, but it will be a job well done.



Le nuove aule a Baoro






Inizio delle vetrate
Les vitraux, le commencement



Monday, July 24, 2023

From one activity to another




From one activity to another

Schools are closed (with the exception of our Mechanical School: the second year students are doing their driving school), but numerous activities still continue.

On Sunday I left to do my village visits. I stopped in Bawi, where a few days ago I had left a pram, a tricycle, for François. With this, he is able to move and acquire some autonomy. I then continued on to Zoungbe, a small village almost 40 km from Baoro.

Here there were 7 girls and boys who received the salt and oil, the first two stages of the journey towards Baptism. The chapel is a thatched roof, and the raw brick altar has been reduced by half due to the rains. But the Mass continues with the memorial of Christ's sacrifice, here just like in a cathedral.

I returned to Baoro quite early, just in time to help prepare lunch. Today was a holiday, there were almost thirty people at the table.

Why? Because today Fr. Stefano Molon, parish priest of Baoro for 6 years, concluded his ministry here, and in the next few days he will leave for his new destination, Bangui. The parish community thanked him and greeted him in solemn Mass, and then there was lunch here in the Mission.

Over these past few days we also began the construction of the two classrooms in the school of the Sisters of Baoro. This will allow for an increase in the number of students.

The next few days we will start work to expand 2 more schools, in Kouisso Baguera and in Bawi.

Good work!










Le nuove aule della scuola "Les Martyrs Africains" di Baoro
La construction des nouvelles salles de classes


Friday, July 14, 2023

Construction sites




Construction sites 

In the month of July pastoral work in the villages continued. Having exhausted those on the road to Carnot, now it is time for the 5 villages on the road to Bossemptele: Bawi, Zoungbe, Barka Bongo, Balembe and Dobere. 

On Sunday, July 9th we celebrated baptisms in Bawi for five boys and girls. The mass with baptisms is always well attended, and it is a celebration that unites the whole village, Catholics and non-Catholics. 

After Mass I left immediately for Bangui, where I arrived in the evening under a heavy rain, typical of the season.

I was there with Patriot and Louis, the two carpenters of the Baoro mission, and with them, between Monday and Wednesday, we fixed 60 frames between windows and doors. It was a long and hard job, but we worked hard together. 

Central Africa is also in the upcoming news: in a couple of weeks there will be a referendum to change the constitution. The current one, drawn up in 2016, is to be replaced by a new one. The official pretext is to "adapt" it to the current situation. In reality there are ulterior motives to further restrict the current presidents various mandates (who with the 2016 Constitution is unable to run again). 

These are important and serious decisions, which can further destabilize an already very fragile country. We will see!