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Saturday, April 6, 2024

On the way…


Caffé in fiore
Fleurs de café

 On the way…

Life is a journey, Lent too, and as the time to move to Bangassou approaches, Easter is also approaching.

During the past few weeks, I have been moving between Baoro in the diocese, and others in Bangui.

Last Monday I was in Bangui. I lent a hand on the construction site of the new convent, which now is being passed to other managers. Alessio and Manuel are still there, who are very valuable for the plumbing systems and other building work.

From Tuesday to Friday I was with Monsignor Aguirre, the bishop of Bangassou. With him we made some plans, and began preparations for the episcopal consecration, which will take place in Bangui on June 9th.

Yesterday, Holy Tuesday, I spent the whole day in Bouar, and together with Bishop Mirek and the priests of the diocese we celebrated the Chrism Mass: a unique celebration, which saw all the clergy gathered around the bishop, who blessed the oils for the sacraments .

It was also an opportunity to say goodbye to the diocese of Bouar, where I have worked for 33 years.

In the next few days I will be in Brousse, in the villages of Yoro, Sinaforo and Bayanga Didi, the furthest away. It is here that we will celebrate Easter and the triduum, and where around twenty people will receive baptism.

And then... off we go: on Tuesday after Easter I will go down to Bangui, and on Thursday I will finally arrive in Bangassou.

A bit like the title of the blog, which I changed these days.

Happy and Holy Easter wishes to everyone: may the joy of the Lord who gives his life for us and who rises again be our joy!


Here are the  new blog title :after Bozoum, news from Bangassou



Esami di catechismo a Yoro
Examens de catéchisme à Yoro

Carmel - Bangui

Albero del caffé
l'arbre du café

preparativi per le Palme
Préparatifs des reameaux


Caritas Bouar

Messa crismale a Bouar
Messe Chrismale à Bouar


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