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Friday, November 8, 2024

Saints, deceased and miscellaneous


Saints, deceased and miscellaneous

The first days of November are marked by two beautiful moments: the feast of all saints, and the memory of those who have passed.
Here in Bangassou, a few dozen meters from the cathedral, there is a beautiful cemetery where some missionaries and priests from Bangassou rest, together with many people. At peace, in the shade of the teak trees and the nearby forest.

These days Javier, Mons Aguirre's brother, Pablo, his nephew, and Alfredo, an excellent electrician, are also here in Bangassou.

They are very busy, especially with the "Fundacion Bangassou", which has supported the social works of the diocese for years.

Very nice and active, they come with many ideas (and excellent raw ham, jamon iberico!). They visit the nearest missions, some schools, the "Hope Houses", where a few dozen elderly people live, threatened because almost all of them are accused of witchcraft, and the "Maman Tongolo" (Mamma Stella) work, which welcomes more than 40 orphans here, near the cathedral, and another 350 in the city.

Just a couple of days ago Jypsie arrived, a little girl just a few weeks old, who lost her mother, who died shortly after giving birth to her.

Sunday, November 3rd is the day of the inauguration of the new parish priest of the cathedral, Abbé Honorè Zonon. The parish priest collaborates in a particular way with the bishop, who entrusts him with the care of the faithful of the parish.

It is a simple and beautiful ceremony, and the church is full of faithful.

In the following days I accompanied my Spanish friends, and in particular the electrician, to visit some missions and houses, to check the solar systems. Many are out of order, and it will take a lot of work and a lot of material (batteries, cables, inverters…). We tried to repair what we could, but when something is missing, or there is something to repair, the nearest hardware store is 750 km away, and it's not even well stocked!

I accompanied them to Lanommè, to Nyakari, to the hospital and to two parishes in Bangassou, and we tried to sort something out.

The plan was to leave Bangassou today, and Bangui tomorrow, but yesterday the flight from Bangassou was cancelled. Panic ensued in a search for any way to get them to the capital, and finally today they found a passage on a MINUSCA flight.

Being so far away and isolated makes life a little more difficult, and we need the prayer, affection and also the concrete help of many people. There is no shortage of all this, and the "Fundacion Bangassou" has been doing a lot for years.
And the time has come to take action in Italy too, to create a group, an association or a foundation to support Bangassou, and create opportunities for development, education and healthcare. Are you ready to lend a hand? Write to me here: and let's go!

Jypsie, accolta da Mons Aguirre e da Suor Yolande
Jypsie, accueillie par Mgr Aguirre et soeur Yolande


Il centro per gli orfani Maman Tongolo
Le centre des orphelins Maman Tongolo



L'albero jacki con i suoi frutti
L'arbre jacki et ses fruits
In piroga sul fiume Mbomou
Balade en pirogue sur le fleuve Mbomou




La partenza
Le départ



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