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Sunday, December 1, 2024

Life in the diocese





Life in the diocese

Amidst many commitments, and connection difficulties, I find that I am slowing down the publications a bit.

After the consecration of the new bishop in Kaga Bandoro, I participated in a Catholic Media workshop, two days of meeting, reflecting and working with representatives from all dioceses. It is a field very close to my heart, and one that the bishops have entrusted to me. The Church was born from an announcement, and it has been announcing Him for centuries. But in addition to having something beautiful to say, one must also say it well!

Thursday, November 21 I return to Bangassou, together with Bishop Aguirre, and we start a lot of paperwork, preparing reports on various projects.

Saturday and Sunday I go to Ouango, a beautiful mission 75 km from Bangassou, along the Mbomou River.

I am here because there are some problems in the parish, and we have decided to send a new priest, whom we are officially introducing to the community.

Sunday morning we celebrate the Eucharist, on the feast of Christ the King, and then meet at length with the parish community.

In the afternoon we set off -- but the car begins to give us serious problems. We advance with much difficulty, and we have to disassemble the diesel filter several times. A mechanic comes to meet us from Bangassou, but after a couple of hours of trying, in the dark, we decide to leave the car in a forest clearing, and return to Bangassou. We arrive home at 7:30 p.m.!

The next day the mechanic starts again, and manages to bring the car back here. But the repairs are not over yet!

On Thursday I have the joy of welcoming Fr. Federico Trinchero, provincial superior of the Carmelites. We have been together for many years, and his visit is a beautiful moment of fraternity and joy.

And yesterday, Thursday, October 28, there was the first meeting of some friends and confreres, to create an association to support the various projects for Bangassou!


Carta della diocesi
Carte du diocèse

P.Federico, Mgr Aguirre, io

Uscita dalla scuola
La sortie de l'Ă©cole

I bambini del centro Orfani
Les enfants du Centre des Orphelins


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