Un albero della savana con dei fiori strani.... Un abrbre de la brousse avec des fleurs étranges |
Ciao Bozoum
Despite the situation
in Bangui (capital) remains quite tense (about 20 dead in these past
days), here in Bozoum we keep up the good work towards peace. We also
have a contingent of 80-100 MISCA soldiers, who will remain here and be
monitoring the situation.
On the 28th of March
and we officially opened the Jurisdictional Year. With no court, nor
judges we ourselves nominated and set up our own Committee of the Wise
Men. They will gather 3 days per week and organize justice on small
matters here. This will ensure our citizen a small jsutice system
On Friday i went to
Bocaranga, there was Tatale village here once, with 650 Peuls. Now
there's no one here! LAst week some Antibalakas came anf threatened to
kill them all, they wunded 2 men and killed a pregnant woman.
In Kake, 95 km from
Bozoum, about 70 Peuls women and children remain, I brought them some
rice and oil and tried to reassure these poor women, so beautiful in
their painful dignity. On Saturday the 29th there was the anniversayr of
the firt CAR president,
Barthelemy Boganda.
Barthelemy Boganda.
a man, with a great personality who left rich ideas and many values. In
the morning we gathered at the Protestant Church to pray together, to
celebrate once more the Unity who must be the civil way of living in our
country. In the afternoon we partecipated to the Peace Walk followed by
a lovely concert.
tonight i'm packing...tomorrow I'll be on my way to Bangui and on
Tuesday, 1st of April (no fools here eh!) im going to italy for a while.
But my heart and my head will stay here in Bozoum!
Il primo carico di porte per Herba le premioer voyage des portes pour Herba |
Le donne e i bambini Peul di Kake Les femmes et enfants Peuls de Kake |
L'inaugurazione del "Tribunale" L'installation du "Comité des Sages" |
La Marcia per la Pace La marche pour la Paix |
La preghiera ecumenica per la Pace La prière écumenique pour la Paix |
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