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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Easter, Prague etc.

Cuneo e le sue montagne
Cuneo, ma ville, et ses montagnes

Easter, Prague etc.
I celebrated Easter Vigil in Cuneo, thinking about Bozoum, with Pope Francis' words in my heart: "If we think that things won't change, we need to remember that Jesus won over death and He's potent, Jesus lives. His resurrection isn't a thing of the past, it carries life force that penetrates the world. Many times it seems as if God doesn't exists: we see injustice, hatred, indifference and cruelty. Every day beauty is born again, resurrects and it's transformed by dramas in history.This is the strength of resurrection. Jesus resurrection gives everywhere new seeds of this new world because it already has entered the hidden fibre of this story, Jesus did not resurrected in vain"

On Tuesday i went to Prague, met with Brothers who work and live there, at the Baby Jesus Sanctuary. I prayed for everyone, friends and (eventually) foes.
I was in Prague to visit and pay my respect to SIRIRI the Organization which is helping us a lot with the Secondary school, the orphans' center, healthcare, disabled people ....this year with SIRIRI we also managed to include the Foreigner Ministry to fund the schools in Bozoum (hence why we are the sole case in the CAR to have open schools in our place)
On Tuesday evening we celebrated SIRIRI's 8th birthday and I spoke of the situation in Bozoum. I met several friends and especially the mother and brother of Vojtech, a volunteer from Pilsen working in bozoum this year.

On Wednesday morning we had a meeting with the Foreigner Ministry where I presented them with our projects results and explain them the current CAR situation. In the afternoon I went to the University of Prague, where i had a presentation for the students, about a hundred of them, they were very much interested in the Bozoum situation.
I spent the evening at Karol and Ludmila Bohm's, close friends (he's the architect of the St. Augustin's school and more buildings, and she is the organiser and translator for these days. There were other friends there, including the auxiliary archibishop of Prague, and I shared what we're going through in Bozoum.

On Thursday i came back to Italy, for a long day. Passing through Rovigo, then Ferrara, to meet with friends and CArmelitan Sisters. On Friday, the 25th I visited Sister Chiara's family. they live in Reggio, and have a wonderful parochial life, born along the building of a creche and developed in 50 years of prayers, friendship and sharing, thanks to their formidable priest, Father Antenore
In the evening I arrived at Deserto, where i met with the Fathers community and more friends.

And we keep on going!

Pasqua a Bozoum
Paques à Bozoum

Domenica delle Palme a Bozoum
Dimanche des Rameaux à Bozoum

Serata con SIRIRI a Praga
Soirèe avec SIRIRI à Prague


AL Ministero degli Affari Esteri a Praga
Au Ministère des Affaires Etrangères à Prague

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