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Saturday, September 22, 2018

School and schools

School and schools
The end of last week, September 14th and 15th, was a very significant moment for the Carmelite family in Central Africa.  On Friday evening, I presided over the renewal of the Vows of nine young Central African Carmelite friars.  Saturday morning, at 6.30, I welcomed five more young Central Africans who received the Carmelite habit, which marks their entry into the Novitiate. At 9.30 am another five young people (two Central Africans and three Cameroonians) concluded the year of Novitiate and made their vows to God to live in chastity, poverty and obedience.
Sunday morning, in Bozoum, we had another important event take place: we placed the statue of the Child Jesus of Prague in our church. The statue represents Jesus dressed as an Emperor. This reminds us of the importance and strength of God, who became man to save us. The Incarnation of Jesus (and also the clothes with which he is represented) reminds us of the great dignity of every man, and in particular of every child. So I chose this past Sunday, the evening before the opening of our schools, to take the opportunity to invite all parishioners to grasp the importance of our children and of their education.
The month of September, even in Central Africa, is marked by the reopening of schools, but with very different approaches and methods. Due to a heavy rainfall on Monday the school opening at our Mission had to be put on hold until Tuesday.  We have many schools to accommodate all our children from when they are very little to until they are young adults.  We have Kindergarten for the little ones, elementary for our school aged children, intermediate for our pre-teens and finally high school for our young adults.  In total we have approximately 1, 500 students that attend our schools, some of whom travel by foot great distances to be able to learn, it is truly remarkable how they throw themselves in their schooling.
Let’s hope they keep up the good work!

Gesù Bambino di Praga

I giovani studenti
les jeunes étudiants

la vestizione dei Novizi
la prise d'habit des Novices

le Professioni

la scuola di Dayanga

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