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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Going back

Going back
Last Friday I accompanied Marisa and Flavio (my sister and her husband) to Bangui airport, and I let them leave, for this time!
On Saturday I went back to Bozoum, and in the afternoon I was called about a sick young woman: she is a child, Alphonsine, in her journey of preparation to be baptized. Her health situation seems quite serious and, unfortunately as it often happens , the living conditions of the family are disastrous: the father isn’t there, and the mother herself is very ill. While we try to understand how to manage the situation, also keeping in mind the people of the neighborhood, we at least give a gift to the child:  I baptized the girl. There, outside a hut, on a mat, we feel like being in a Cathedral.  The Mercy of God, like a breath, rests on Alphonsine, and makes her a beloved daughter of God.
Sunday morning we celebrate the pastoral "rentrèe": the beginning of the pastoral year, with a great celebration. In the following days we begin getting ready for the celebration of St. Michael , the patron saint of the Parish. Schools are now open, at least ours schools. Instead many state schools struggle to start, in part because of the teachers, and in part because of the students, now accustomed to not having a specific date for the beginning of the school year.
The construction work of two classrooms at our St Augustin school continues, and within a couple of weeks we should reach the roof level.
Meanwhile, among the many initiatives, Tuesday we start four days of training for the cooperatives that work at the now famous "Bozoum gardens". There are 25 Cooperatives , for a total of over 250 people, mostly women. After the training, they will go to work to prepare the gardens. We’ll support them with tools and seeds. They will be ready at the end of January to present the fruit of their farming work at the Bozoum Fair.

Cantiere per le aule del St Augustin

Formazione orticultori
Formation pour les groupements des jardins potagers

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