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Saturday, October 6, 2018

The Parish St. Michael and surrounding areas…

The Parish St. Michael and surrounding areas…
The feast of St. Michael is a very important celebration for the Parish of Bozoum and the surrounding Christian community and city.
In 1927 missionaries arrived in Bozoum and established one of the first Missions outside the capital city of Bangui. The missionaries thought it best to put this fledgling Christian community under the guidance and protection of St. Michael, and so St. Michael’s Parish of Bozoum was born.
The liturgical feast falls on September 29th (the same day as the feast for the archangels Gabriel and Raphael). Here in Bozoum, September is the month when parish activities are starting up again; from the opening of the local schools to the starting of catechism classes.  It is for this reason, the celebration happens at a very interesting moment for the Parish as well as for the town.
On Monday, September 24th, we gathered with the catechists, the advisers and the people responsible for the various events happening in the Parish, for a morning of reflection and prayer. The theme was the personal call to sanctity (just as Pope Francis calls on us in his letter “Gaudete et Exsultate”) which is meant to be a guide to lead us in our everyday lives. On Tuesday, I met with the catechists and we prepared for the upcoming catechism course: every year, more than 500 children, young people and adults take part in our course which introduces them to the Christian life and the Sacraments. On Wednesday, I met with the councilors: in every Christian community there are chosen people who have taken on the task of advising, helping and encouraging those in their community. The councilors are the ones who identify the people in need (spiritual or monetary), the sick and the elderly. On Thursday we started the Triduum, 3 days of reflection and prayer in preparation for the feast. I invited Fr. Christo, a young Central African brother ordained in June. He will celebrate his first Mass in Bozoum on the following Sunday. I also was able to write an edition of the Bozoum paper, “Le Saint Michel”, (thanks to Paolo Silvestro).  Here is the link:
On Friday, Evariste Constant and Benjamin, 2 actors of the touring company “Les Perroquets de Bangui” (The Bangui Parrots) are arriving. They are excellent entertainers and have just won the first prize on a famous program that promotes the best comedians in the Ivory Coast at the level of French Speaking Africa. On Saturday morning they gave a short show at our high school. Afterwards, they worked with some of our students who were eager to learn about the art of entertainment.  That evening, in the church-square, those students prepared a sketch that focused on the difficulties that married women in villages face on a daily basis. It was a very thought provoking event! On Saturday afternoon we had a beautiful Procession that wound its way through a few neighborhoods, ending at our church.
Sunday was the day of celebration: at 8:30am we had Mass that ended just before noon.  There were seven infants baptized, at the same time, about 40 adults from the St Vincent’s society, promised God to help the poor. In the afternoon there were many games, unfortunately they were disrupted by a short shower. Escaping the rain, about a thousand people arrived at the theater for the last show of the Perroquets.
To LAUGH is healthy, to live with JOY is one of the FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT and one of the signs of the TRUTHS of what we believe in.

I Perroquets de Bangui al Lycée st Augustin


I nuovi battezzati

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