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Monday, January 28, 2019

15th Annual Bozoum Agricultural Fair

15th Annual Bozoum Agricultural Fair
The big day has finally arrived: today, January 25th, the great Bozoum Agricultural Fair began.
After months of planning everything was ready: about forty stands, placed under a double avenue of mangoes, where about 250 cooperatives from all over the region displayed and sold tons of agricultural products.
It was a triumph of colors, smells, shapes and smiles! In a country where 85% is occupied by armed rebels, the Bozoum Fair represents a moment of peace and joy, where people can come and display and sell their products.
It takes a lot of preparation, a lot of work and the commitment of many people: the Fair is the result of a journey that lasts many months. The work of the fields, often in critical and dangerous working conditions, due to the rebels, requires strong and patient people.
For years the title of the Fair was "Orgueil paysan" (farmer pride): we wanted to highlight what was the most important sector of life of 90% of the population.
Like Caritas, we created the Fair in 2004, at the end of a project after the 2002-2003 war. Thanks to the support of organizations and associations (in particular "Friends for Central Africa"), the Fair has grown slowly but steadily. Last year 195 cooperatives took part, and the proceeds were higher than 91,000 euros (in a country where the per capita annual income is around 300 euros!).
A Unique event in the country (and also in neighbouring ring countries!), in 15 years the Fair has now reached pretty good reconigtion, so as to draw the attention of media, organizations and government.
Today for the opening the Prime Minister, the Minister of Mines and Geology, our Bishop, officials of various ministries were all present.
The opening ceremony began just before 11.00 am. After the speech by the representative of the cooperatives, the Prime Minister took the floor by thanking Caritas and the Church for the great work done. Once the speeches were finished the most exciting moment arrived: the parade of the cooperatives, which was set to the rhythm of music and  carried the most typical products.
At the end, we visited the stands with the Prime Minister, the Bishop and various other representatives.
And the 15th Bozoum Fair begins!

Gli alunni del nostro Liceo St.Augustin al lavoro per accogliere le cooperative
Les élèves de notre Lycée st.Augustin au travail

Lo stand della nostra Cassa di risparmio
Le stand de notre Caisse d'épargne

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