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Saturday, February 2, 2019

Fair Part Two

Fair Part Two
Last weekend was very intense! The Fair, a unique event throughout the country (and also in neighboring countries!), involved the whole city and the region. The Bozoum city heart, in these 3 days, had moved to the fair area. Around nearly forty booths (each occupied by 3-4 cooperatives) were set up by food services and bars, and even the traders had set up booths. Only the nougat was missing! After the opening on Friday morning, the sale of products and exchanges began. First slowly, and then gradually faster and faster. Sunday night there were practically no more products to sell Saturday, while the Fair continued, it was dedicated to visitors. We took advantage of the presence of officials from the Ministry of Agricultural Development and took them to visit, along with the authorities, the rice fields and vegetable gardens. In the morning we went to Bohoro, a rice growing center, created in the seventies by the Chinese, which is now the driving connection of a network of a dozen paddy fields. In the afternoon instead we visited a part of the Bozoum gardens: about 18, for a total of at least 10 hectares, scattered in an area rich in water. They are all very spectacular. A marvel of order, color, and variety, one more beautiful than the next. Many are created and managed by women, for whom cultivation is a good way to enrich the table and the family budget. Saturday night was the time to collect the cards from the guests and visitors who have appreciated and evaluated the stands and gardens. All guests and visitors; Czech, Italian and French, are involved.  I asked Paolo and Cristina, president and vice president of the "Amici per il Centrafrica" Association, who finance the Fair, to give a hand. On Sunday morning we celebrated Mass with the deputy secretary of Caritas Centrafrique, Abbé Alain. In the afternoon it was time for the awards. Everything was ready! The names of the winners of the two competitions, that of the exhibitors at the Fair and that of the gardens, are proclaimed. Medal, diploma, some farmer tools, but above all a lot of pride! Behind all this, behind the over 180 cooperatives present, there is enormous work. The Caritas staff was impeccable, but most of the secretarial work, reception and data collection is done by the students of our Lycée St.Augustin, who did an excellent job. And so the Fair riches the end. On Monday the cooperatives return home (some have more than 220 km of bad roads to go). They leave with a result of 40 million euros Cfa (about 61,000 euros), and with much pride. Farmers pride!

Maman Suzanne, vincittrice del concorso deli ORTI
Maman Suzanne, première dans le councours des jardins potagers

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