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Saturday, February 23, 2019

From India to Central Africa

Couroupita guianensis

From India to Central Africa
After a long journey, I’m back in Bozoum! Last Saturday, February 16th, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the profession of Vows of 32 nuns. With them there was also Sister Payton who worked with us in Bouar as a nurse for 25 years. The solemn celebration began with a well-organized Mass, where we had 3000 people participating, including the families of the nuns. After the mass there was a simple but substantial lunch for everyone that celebrated!
In the afternoon we stayed with Sister Elisabetta, another nun who works in Central Africa, in Niem. We visited her family and also a small park, with a beautiful river and a large suspension bridge which seemed to be the stage for a couple of monkeys! 
On Sunday we began the return journey. In the evening I left from Cochin towards Mumbai, where I arrived at 11:00pm. Monday morning I left for Nairobi, where I arrived after a little over 6 hours of flight. We have to leave at 1.00 pm, but the flight kept being delayed, and around 3:30pm the plane finally took off. The next day, Tuesday, we left and finally at 9:00am we landed at Bangui airport. 
I met the confreres of Carmel, in Bangui, and on Wednesday I left towards Bozoum. I have with me Gaetano Barbagallo, a dentist, with his wife Lucia, who in these days will work in our dental office in Bozoum. 
The road continues to get worse. I left Bangui at 5:30am arriving home at 1:30pm, almost 8 hours for a distance of less than 400 km! At the beginning of the last stretch, in Bossemptele, I saw the machinery for the repair of the road. They have been stuck for 2 months. From the 6 months of the start of the work, less than 13 km have been repaired (a monthly average of 2.1 km, or 70 meters a day). 
In Bozoum there is also Enrico Massone, who in less than a month and a half has built a large part of the new church at Kpari village. Congratulations!


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